Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1641: Youngest Vice President of Chamber of Commerce

The Yangtze River Chamber of Commerce is a fairly well-established non-governmental organization in the south. Basically, the members of the association are the top business leaders in various cities in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai. Like the Xin family, they are really rich.

I started a clothing factory ten years ago, and now I mainly focus on exporting. The orders are all scheduled for next year, and it is too late. Of course, the money I make is also rushing. He is a big boss in Ningcheng.

Moreover, the Xin family does not only make clothing. Many businesses are linked together. Money can make money. When there is no money, it is difficult to do anything. It is not difficult to live a million lives.

When he was poor, no one would take care of him, and good business would not come to his door. When he was rich, he would take the initiative to come to him. After Xin’s father set up a factory and made a fortune, he bought shops and stalls one after another, and also invested in various real estates. The business is so good that you can make money no matter what you do.

Therefore, the assets of the Xin family are like sponge balls, which are expanding year by year, and Xin's mother is also capable. She sells clothes by herself, not clothes from her own factory, but foreign trade orders, which are quite well done. Big, earn a lot every year.

But this is the case. Father Xin has never been able to join the Changjiang Chamber of Commerce. His assets are quite large in the local area, but he is not very impressive when he gets the Chamber of Commerce. However, Father Xin has perseverance. After several years, he finally became a friend. Under the introduction of , he successfully joined the Changjiang Chamber of Commerce last year.

The chairman of the chamber of commerce is Mr. Liu Zhiyong, chairman of Universe Computer Co., Ltd., a respected old entrepreneur, and even Huo Jinzhi respects this senior very much.

Huo Jinzhi was also fortunate enough to be elected as the vice president, and there were three other vice presidents. Huo Jinzhi was the youngest, and the others were all in their fifties, but Huo Jinzhi's assets were also the most mysterious.

Because Huo Jinzhi is engaged in trade and investment, he does not engage in entities, unlike other entrepreneurs who have entity businesses, Huo Jinzhi has only one trading company under his name, with the left hand in and the right hand out, but he is in many companies. There are shares, such as Gu Yunchuan's pharmaceutical factory is one of them.

Moreover, Huo Jinzhi has been speculating in stocks in the past two years. There are no securities companies in China. He went to Hong Kong and Wall Street to speculate. Together with Tang Aiguo, he made more money than investment, but it was also very dangerous. abyss.

But Huo Jinzhi and Tang Aiguo have a natural acumen and sense of smell in finance, just like cheetahs are born to hunt their prey. The principal of 10,000 yuan has now been fired to a million yuan by them, and it continues to grow.

Therefore, although Huo Jinzhi does not have a physical enterprise, his assets are not to be underestimated, and he may even be the largest in the Changjiang Chamber of Commerce, but he is relatively low-key and mysterious, and never shows his wealth in front of outsiders. know how much wealth he has.

Everyone in the chamber of commerce knows that the chairman Liu Zhiyong admires Huo Jinzhi very much, and his predecessors have expressed his appreciation for Huo Jinzhi more than once, and even want to betrothed his precious daughter to his family, but Mr. Huo already has a name.

The other three vice presidents are all big bosses with assets of hundreds of millions, and they are also big bosses that Father Xin wants to look up to, and they are all polite in front of Huo Jinzhi.

At the reception, Father Xin saw a lot of great people he had no chance to know, and he was very polite when talking to Huo Jinzhi.

Unexpectedly, I saw him at school today, and he was in a relationship with his daughter. Father Xin almost didn't make a sound, God's eyes opened!

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