Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1655: The school flower covets her man

After breakfast, Huo Jinzhi went to school with her. He did not drive, but rode a bicycle. He had not completed the formalities for going abroad and still needed to go to school.

Tang Xiaonan sat in the back seat, holding Huo Jinzhi's waist tightly with both hands, which was thin and hard, which made people feel particularly reassuring.

"When are you going to America?"

Tang Xiaonan asked aloud, feeling very reluctant to part with her, and her tone was also carried.

"Don't bear me?"

Huo Jinzhi smiled, deliberately rode into a pit, the car tilted, Tang Xiaonan hugged tighter, and he was very proud like a child who stole candy.

"No, I just ask casually."

Of course Tang Xiaonan didn't admit it, but she knew very well that she just couldn't bear it.

"There's still a month. The procedures in the United States have been completed, but the domestic ones are not yet." Huo Jinzhi replied.

There are Gu Yunchuan and Tang Aiguo on the other side of the United States. The procedures are very worry-free, but it is more troublesome at home. Now it is still very difficult to go abroad.

Tang Xiaonan was relieved, there was still a month left, and she was not so reluctant to part until the real parting.

"You really don't want to go abroad with me?" Huo Jinzhi asked again.

"Don't go, I'll go see you during the summer vacation next year." Tang Xiaonan still refused, and warned: "I'll sneak over there, you can be careful, if you attract bees and butterflies, I will let the second brother chop you!"

There was laughter from the front, Huo Jinzhi laughed so much that the car was crooked. At this time, they had already entered the campus. Huo Jinzhi is a famous person in the school, but he has never been close to people, and he has never seen him alone with a female classmate. got along.

The school flower Ji Shishi is so proactive, and she has never seen Huo Jinzhi have a good face towards Ji Xiaohua, but now this cold-faced male **** is smiling so ripplingly, and there is a beautiful girl in the car, what's the situation?

Everyone's eyes are fixed on Tang Xiaonan's hand, tightly wrapping Huo Jinzhi's waist. Only couples can do such an intimate action, right?

Does the cold-faced male **** have a target?

"What are you laughing at, I'm talking about something very serious, if you dare to gossip outside, hmph, be careful of your dog's life!" Tang Xiaonan threatened.

She has already kissed them, so she is her man. Naturally, she must keep a 30-meter distance from the opposite sex, otherwise her family's treasured sword is not a vegetarian.

"Yes, housekeeper!"

Huo Jinzhi smiled helplessly and sweetly, Tang Xiaopang was just blindly worried, how could he be rambunctious, other women were annoying to see, it's best to go as far as possible, don't come in front of him to get in the way.

There were a lot of students on the road~www.readwn.com~ Huo Jin got out of the car, Tang Xiaonan was too lazy to get out, and sat in the car, letting Huo Jinzhi push him away.

"Respectfully, good morning."

The sweet female voice sounded, and Tang Xiaonan's heart was alarmed. The woman's unique intuition told her that the owner of this voice must have no good intentions for her man.

Huo Jinzhi frowned impatiently, did not stop, and continued to walk forward, Tang Xiaonan turned to look, and saw the owner of the voice clearly.

A very beautiful girl with a ponytail and a white dress. She is taller than Tang Xiaonan, slim, and has a very special temperament. Although Tang Xiaonan doesn't like this girl, she has to admit that she is very beautiful.

The girl is Ji Shishi, the school flower of the imperial capital. She is one year higher than Tang Xiaonan. As soon as she entered the school, she was selected as the new school flower.

This is a secret that everyone knows at Imperial University.

The other students all stopped to watch, with great interest, two girls and one boy, there must be a good show to watch.

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