Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1658: Her man is not allowed to be coveted by others

Ji Shishi was not as optimistic as she had shown in her heart. Tang Xiaonan's methods were very powerful, and Huo Jinzhi was fascinated. She only had Tang Xiaonan in her eyes, and she couldn't get in at all.

But there is no cat who doesn't steal, and there is no man who can't afford to be outside. She has seen too much since she was a child.

Her grandfather and father, as well as her uncles and cousins, who are not eating in the bowl and watching the pot, have countless lovers outside, and even married into the door, her biological grandmother is not the main room, but the grandfather's concubine.

There is also her mother, who is not her father's original wife, but married into the Ji family after she had her. The original wife divorced her father, and her mother became Mrs. Ji as she wished.

She also changed from an illegitimate daughter to Miss Ji Family's daughter.

But the good times didn't last long. Mr. Ji failed to invest and owed a lot of debt. He had no choice but to sell his property to repay the debt. The Ji family used to live a rich and noble life with fine clothes and food, but now they are struggling to live, even the ordinary middle class.

This is also the main reason why Grandpa made her have to deal with Huo Jinzhi.

Huo Jinzhi is rich in assets and can do business. As long as he gets married, he will definitely be able to bring Ji's family back to life.

And Ji Shishi herself also wants to marry Huo Jinzhi. She likes good and powerful men, and Huo Jinzhi meets her mate selection criteria in all aspects.

Although she hit a wall at Tang Xiaonan, Ji Shishi is still confident. With her appearance and talent, Huo Jinzhi will definitely be moved.

And she has powerful foreign aid.

She has not been treated in vain in the past few years in China. She swallowed her anger and carefully became a best friend with the Miss Lin family, in order to increase her worth. Huo Jinzhi is now fascinated by the so-called love. After he calms down, he will Understand that marrying her is 10,000 times better than marrying Tang Xiaonan.

She is Miss Lin's closest best friend. Marrying her is equivalent to having a relationship with the Lin family. The Lin family is currently the top red family in China, while Miss Lin is the most beloved baby of the Lin family. The Lin family goes up and down. They dote on her, respond to her requests, and anyone with brains will understand the benefits of marrying her.

Huo Jinzhi is no exception.

Ji Shishi was so determined that he had already regarded Huo Jinzhi as his belongings, and did not care about Tang Xiaonan at all.

It's just that Huo Jinzhi is regarded as a man who covets freshness and goes out to find some excitement. She has tolerance and will not mind.

As long as the Hof people are her.

Huo Jinzhi first sent Tang Xiaonan to the dormitory. On the way, Tang Xiaonan pouted unhappily and inquired about Ji Shishi's background.

"It's quite capable, the peach blossoms are blooming." Tang Xiaonan said sarcastically.

Humph~www.readwn.com~ Dog man, he pretends to be serious on the surface, but he is messing around outside.

Although Huo Jinzhi ignored Ji Shishi, she was still unhappy, her mouth was so twisted that she could hang an oil bottle, her face clearly said 'I'm very angry', and on the other side it said 'Come and coax me'.

Already at the dormitory, Huo Jinzhi parked the car and scratched lightly on Tang Xiaonan's nose, "No peach blossoms, just your fat morning glory, don't pay attention to that woman, she has a mental illness."

"You are the trumpet flower."

Tang Xiaonan rolled her eyes, but the corner of her mouth was slightly hooked, she was no longer angry.

Huo Jinzhi's performance just now was good enough, she couldn't make trouble unreasonably and create opportunities for other women.

In just one night, Tang Xiaonan's mentality changed. She had already kissed her, so she must declare sovereignty and never allow foreign enemies to invade.

Whoever dares to covet, she will be beaten to death with a stick!

She couldn't beat her, so she asked her three brothers to fight, hum!

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