Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1660: 1 more spoiled

Tang Xiaonan didn't have this concern. She is 165 now, her skin is white, and she wears a long red dress to complement each other. Not to mention the beauty of the crowd, but she can definitely beat this Lin Ranran.

Although I don't know why Lin Ranran is targeting her, Tang Xiaonan doesn't want to know, anyway, she doesn't want to befriend this girl. At first glance, she is an idiot spoiled by the adults in the family, just like Yu Duoduo before.

"Little girl is here, I'll be waiting for you, I'll be reporting in a while." Mi Aiyu said with a smile.

Xin Gan also said attentively: "Xiao Nan, the skirt you are wearing today is so beautiful, is it the brand of Tang Huang?"

"Well, you are also wearing Tang Huang, right?"

Tang Xiaonan just glanced at it and determined that the bright yellow dress Xin Gan was wearing today was also produced by her garment factory. Speaking of which, she still has shares in the garment factory. Although not much, she gets a lot every year. Money, even if she doesn't do anything, with the dividends from the garment factory, she can have enough food and clothing.

"Yes, I like this brand, many styles are good-looking."

Xin Gan glanced at Lin Ranran, then looked at Tang Xiaonan, and decided to hold Tang Xiaonan tightly. Lin Ranran's origin is unknown, and her temper is too bad, so Tang Xiaonan is better to get along with.

"Tang Huang seems to be from over the city, right? My dad visited before." Xin Gan said enviously.

Her clothing factory does not have its own brand, and it does OEM processing. Although it also makes money, it is not comparable to Tang Huang, and it is not on the same level.

"Yes, the main factory is in Yuecheng, and there are branches in other places."

Tang Xiaonan smiled and took out a lunch box of buns from her schoolbag. There were about ten buns. Aunt Yang made them herself. She brought them before she finished eating in the morning.

"Have you had breakfast? My steamed buns taste very good."

She put the lunch box on the table, intending to be closer to Miao Bamei.

Xin Gan's eyes flashed, he took a bun at random, nibbled it generously, and was full of praise, "It's delicious, it's much better than the cafeteria, Bamei, Aiyu, you all try it. "

Miao Bamei hesitated for a while, but also took a nibble. It was filled with fresh meat, and every bite was full of gravy. She could eat a lunch box of steamed buns by herself, which was so delicious.

"Xiao Nan, your buns are so delicious, did you make them yourself?"

Mi Aiyu was also conquered by the steamed buns, she has never eaten such delicious steamed buns, and this steamed bun is much more delicate and smaller than her hometown, she can finish it in three bites~www.readwn.com~Tang Xiaonan smiled, " How can I make it? My aunt made it, and she cooks delicious food."

Mi Aiyu's eyes flickered, Auntie...it should be a nanny, Tang Xiaonan's family is really rich.

Xin Gan only ate one steamed bun and didn't eat it, Zheng Xiaohong didn't eat it, she had breakfast, and the rest of the steamed buns were shared equally by Mi Aiyu and Miao Bamei.

"Thank you for the bun, I'll go wash the lunch box."

Miao Bamei thanked her, took the lunch box and went to the water room for washing. There is no toilet in the dormitory, but the public water room and toilet are used.

"It's just a few buns to send the beggars." Lin Ranran whispered, but the voice was not so small that the whole dormitory could hear it.

Miao Bamei, who walked to the door, stopped and continued to the water room. Mi Aiyu looked a little embarrassed and felt uncomfortable, but she knew that Lin Ranran must have a good family and was someone she couldn't afford to offend. I want to have a good relationship.

Xin Gan frowned and said, "Lin Ranran, why are you so yin and yang?"

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