Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1665: stupid classmate

The other classmates could see that Lin Ranran's family was from an extraordinary family, and they must have a background. They couldn't afford to offend them, so no matter how dissatisfied they were, they would not offend Lin Ranran.

Sun Jinling is a bit silly. Not only is her mouth broken, but her brain doesn't seem to be very good. She doesn't know how she got into the University of God. Sun Jinling was not convinced and muttered a few words.

But no one answered her, so she had to shut up angrily, but it didn't take long for her to start chattering again, as if she had completely forgotten about speaking ill of others before.

The other classmates didn't like to talk to her. They also had the same doubts as Tang Xiaonan. They felt that Sun Jinling's IQ really didn't look like she could be admitted to the University of God. Maybe this girl is more talented in reading?

"Miao Bamei, your clothes are also good-looking, aren't they cheap?"

Sun Jinling, who was ignored by no one, was a little bored. She glanced at the beautiful Miao Bamei, and her eyes couldn't help but heat up. It was her envious figure and her hot clothes.

She will never grow this tall, because she is 20 years old, and she will be 152 in her life without any accident.

She could barely afford the clothes, but they didn't look as good as Miao Bamei. Sun Jinling felt a little sour. She remembered that Miao Bamei was wearing ragged clothes with patches on top of each other. already?

Miao Bamei replied neither humble nor arrogant: "The clothes were given to me by Tang Xiaonan, how can I afford them."

The other female classmates were a little surprised, and they all looked at Tang Xiaonan. The clothes on Miao Bamei's body were obviously new. Tang Xiaonan was really generous, but they just thought about it in their hearts and wouldn't say it.

"Tang Xiaonan, you are so generous, isn't your family rich?" Sun Jinling was so envious that she asked without hesitation.

The other female classmates looked at each other, and they all wanted to distance themselves from Sun Jinling after they were in love with each other. People who couldn't tell the difference between occasions were not suitable for making friends.

Tang Xiaonan was also very annoying, but after all, she was a new classmate, and it was not easy to tear her face, so she had to reply: "It happened that I bought a few big clothes, and it was a pity to throw them away, so I asked Miao Bamei to help them wear them. The average family is not so rich."

"How is that possible, Tang Xiaonan, don't worry, I won't ask you to borrow money."

Sun Jinling made a joke she thought was funny, but no one responded, only she giggled a few times, and everyone else looked at her like a fool.

Tang Xiaonan was also a little annoyed, and half-jokingly said: "If you ask me to borrow money, I will not borrow it. I hate to be involved in money with unfamiliar people."

The implication is that I am not familiar with you, please shut up!

But if Sun Jinling was such a discerning person, it wouldn't be annoying, the girl didn't understand at all, and said angrily: "I wouldn't ask you to borrow money, my family is a household of ten thousand yuan, and my father is still Where's the village head!"

Tang Xiaonan rolled her eyes, did the girl's brain kick the donkey?

But if the donkey kicks, how can you get into the University of God?

"Where are you, Sun Jinling?" Mi Aiyu noticed that the atmosphere was a little cold, and changed the subject abruptly.

"Central Plains Province."

Sun Jinling mentioned a place name, and it was indeed in the Central Plains Province, and Tang Xiaonan knew that the Central Plains Province was also a major province for the college entrance examination.

Every college student who is admitted from the Central Plains Province must have passed five tests and cut six generals.

But Sun Jinling, a winner, how can he be like a brain-dead?

Could it be that the pressure of the college entrance examination is too much, and I was forced to be stupid?

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