Tang Xiaonan now has a small appetite and can't eat much. Miao Bamei has a lot of work and study intensity, so she needs to supplement her nutrition.

"Why did you ask Sun Jinling the college entrance examination questions? Are you suspicious?" Tang Xiaonan asked directly.

Miao Bamei nodded and answered more directly, "I suspect that Sun Jinling is an impostor."

Tang Xiaonan was taken aback, impostor?

Is it what she thought?

"You mean Sun Jinling took someone else's place?"

Miao Bamei nodded, "Nine times out of ten, I have observed her for a long time. Her learning ability does not match her college entrance examination score. Mi Aiyu is not much different, she can't be the one who took the 698 exam."

Tang Xiaonan nodded eagerly. She also felt that Sun Jinling's learning ability was quite poor, and her IQ was not too high, but she really didn't think about impostors.

To actually dare to pretend to be the University of God, is this too courageous?

"Why do you think about this? Could it be that she reported a high score?" Tang Xiaonan was very curious.

Miao Bamei's reaction was too direct. Even if she had some doubts in the past, she would not think about it. Maybe she thought that Sun Jinling's score might not be that high, so she deliberately reported it high.

"The score is correct. I asked Mr. Shu and it was 698."

Miao Bamei has asked for a long time ago. She is very close to Teacher Shu. Teacher Shu often asks her to go to the house for dinner, and also helps her apply for a work-study program. She has helped her a lot and talked a lot in private.

Tang Xiaonan frowned. If she didn't report a high score, Miao Bamei's suspicion should not be wrong. This was serious cheating, and the real student Sun Jinling who was replaced, her life would also be edited.

Miao Bamei finished eating two large steaks, her mouth was greasy, she sighed faintly, and said, "The reason why I doubt Sun Jinling is because I had the same experience before, but I was the one who was replaced."

Tang Xiaonan frowned, "Your college entrance examination score has also been replaced?"

"It's not the college entrance examination, it's the middle school entrance examination. I was admitted to the county's No. 1 middle school, but I didn't receive the admission notice. I noticed something was wrong, so I asked the junior high school teacher to check it. Only then did I know that the notice was put away by the village chief. He was going to let His granddaughter went to a high school, and his granddaughter is my classmate, with average grades."

Miao Bamei told her story with a calm expression.

Tang Xiaonan said angrily, "You should go to the Education Bureau to sue them. Did you go to No. 1 Middle School later?"

"Go, my teacher helped, but offended the village chief."

Miao Bamei smiled. Although the clouds were light, Tang Xiaonan could feel the pain behind the smile. In a remote mountain village, the village chief was like a soil emperor. Offending the village chief was almost impossible. Not good.

"My only way out is to go to college, so that I can make a good life for my family and..."

Miao Bamei paused, "I know that the village chief's family has never given up, the college entrance examination will definitely be fake, and I can't fight them. The village chief's family has relatives who are officials in the government. Our place is quite chaotic, so I have to take the test. It was so good that the village chief did not dare to replace me."

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"So, you succeeded. You are the number one scholar in the county. You wouldn't dare to give the village chief a hundred bear gallbladders." Tang Xiaonan laughed.

Miao Bamei also smiled and scratched her head, "I'm still quite worried. After the exam, I went to the town post office to guard it almost every day. I was afraid that the notice would be cut off by the village chief, and I couldn't afford to lose."

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