Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1689: Most likely the child of the Lin family

For a long time, Lin Hua didn't make a sound. The sound of his heavy breathing came from the microphone, and Huo Jinzhi didn't bother. He knew something must have happened.

It is very likely that Miao Bamei is the child of the Lin family.

Because Lin Jiangang, the eldest son of the old lady of the Lin family, was fostered in a farmer's family more than 40 years ago, but he did not know where he was. This Lin Jiangang was so mediocre that not many people knew him.

"Sincerely, I want the eighth sister Miao just now, you help me arrange it, the sooner the better." Lin Hua finally spoke up, in a very serious tone.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements."

Huo Jinzhi didn't ask much, he knew that it was no accident that Miao Bamei was the child of the Lin family.

And that Lin Ranran's life experience is quite mysterious.

However, this is not what he should care about. It is better for him to know less about the secrets of the big family.

When Huo Jinzhi's phone call came, Tang Xiaonan was about to go back to school. She was already going out. Aunt Yang stopped her and asked her to bring some food back to school.

"You're not coming back to eat now, you've lost weight, what can there be delicious food in the cafeteria, I originally planned to send it to you, it's just right when you come back, take this cup of chicken soup to drink, I simmered it all morning , it's silky chicken, girls eat very well..."

Aunt Yang rambled on, Huo Jinzhi told him two or three times before going abroad that she must ensure Tang Xiaonan's nutrition and not let her lose weight. Naturally, Aunt Yang didn't dare to neglect her. Today, she planned to go to school to deliver chicken soup.

"I've lost weight, my waist is thick, and the food in the school cafeteria is delicious. Aunt Yang, don't make soup in the future. If you're bored, just go out for a walk."

Tang Xiaonan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Everyone in the family said she was thin. In fact, she wasn't thin, and of course she wasn't fat. She had a small skeleton, and she had a lot of meat.

"No matter how delicious the cafeteria is, there is no better home. You have to finish this soup. I've been stewing it since six in the morning."

That is to say, the time is limited, otherwise Aunt Yang will definitely stare at Tang Xiaonan and finish drinking.

"Okay, okay, I'm sure I'm done drinking, I'm leaving!"

Tang Xiaonan was carrying a large bucket of chicken soup. She didn't have to eat at night. She couldn't finish drinking so much chicken soup, so she went back to share some for her classmates.

The phone rang at this time, Tang Xiaonan picked up the phone, and when she heard it was Huo Jinzhi, she couldn't help laughing, "Why did you call back again? I'm leaving."

"Is your classmate here? Someone wants to see her because of her background."

Huo Jinzhi's words were concise and to the point. He said that Lin Hua wanted to see the eighth sister Miao. Tang Xiaonan's eyes widened, and it took a while for him to react. He stammered, "That means...the eighth sister is likely to be the child of the Lin family?"

"It's hard to say now. We'll know after we meet each other. When are you free? I'll talk to Lin Hua about the time."

"There are four classes in the afternoon, and it's half past five after class."

"Okay, Lin Hua will call you later, you are responsible for taking Miao Bamei to see him, and don't worry about other things." Huo Jinzhi urged.

"Well, I'm not going to be nosy."

Tang Xiaonan nodded, she knew that the less she knew about this kind of thing, the better, but she was already involved, and it was impossible to ignore everything.

This is a bit too coincidental. I just made a phone call and there is news. It feels like a dream, and it doesn't look like the real world. Tang Xiaonan couldn't help but ask, "Really...is it the Lin family?"

"You'll know when you meet."

Huo Jinzhi didn't say too much, he hung up the phone and called Lin Hua to reply.

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