Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1692: The truth is about to be revealed

Miao Bamei grabbed the homework book with a little effort. She patted the homework book and said neither humble nor arrogant: "My family is poor, but I have a mind and knowledge that is richer than money, this is my own, no one can You can't take it, and what else do you have besides rich parents?"

"I have these enough, Miao Bamei, what are you pulling, wait for me, I will make you unable to stay in the imperial capital!"

Lin Ranran cried out in anger. She was short-tempered and impulsive. She would not say anything when she was agitated, because she made a lot of jokes in that circle. Can't go on.

Even so, people in that circle despised Lin Ranran, and many parties would not call her.

Miao Bamei was also on fire. She slammed her fist on the desk. The loud noise shocked the classmates, and Lin Ranran was also so frightened that her face changed color.

"Who do you think you are? Don't you just rely on your family's power? Lin Ranran, I have something to advise you, thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, don't get too complacent!"

Miao Bamei's aura made Lin Ranran a little confused, and she didn't respond for a while. When she came back to her senses and wanted to curse, the teacher had already entered the classroom. Lin Ranran gritted her teeth angrily. Then settle accounts with this Miao.

The teacher accepted the homework as soon as the class started, and most of the students did it. The few that were not done were hurriedly made up after class just now. Not to mention the quality, at least the quantity was collected.

Lin Ranran was the only one who didn't do her homework. The teacher criticized her severely in class, and she solemnly wrote down Lin Ranran's name. Points would definitely be deducted from the final assessment.

Lin Ranran's hatred for Miao Bamei deepened. She didn't know why. As soon as school started, she saw that Miao Bamei was not pleasing to the eye, and there was also Tang Xiaonan.

Miao Bamei has a different aura, while Tang Xiaonan is entangled with envy and jealousy, because Tang Xiaonan has more new clothes than her, and they look better than her, and Lin Ranran hates all people who are better than her.

But because she is really not very good, her appearance is mediocre, her aptitude is mediocre, and her temperament is not popular, so this girl's popularity is quite poor, because she has few people she likes.

Of course, I hate Tang Xiaonan and why I help my friends vent their anger. Lin Ranran and Ji Shishi are good friends. Ji Shishi said that Tang Xiaonan stole her fiancé, so of course Lin Ranran wants to help friends vent their anger.

As soon as the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Miao Bamei couldn't wait to rush out of the classroom, Tang Xiaonan followed, Lin Ranran flattened her mouth, and was about to go home with her schoolbag on her back. Today is the weekend, she is going back to her grandmother's place, so she can vent her anger for her. .

She remembers the military training accounts, as well as the usual large and small accounts, and grandma will definitely vent her anger for her.

Lin Ranran felt a lot better when she thought that she was about to get out of her anger. She met Ji Shishi on the way with a weird expression. As soon as she saw her, she dragged her to a secluded place.

"Ran Ran, does your third cousin know Tang Xiaonan?"

"Lin Hua? How is it possible, Lin Hua's eyes are higher than the top, even Qi Ziling ignores it, what kind of onion is Tang Xiaonan!"

Lin Ranran sneered, feeling that Ji Shishi was joking.

Qi Ziling is a girl in their circle, with both talent and beauty. Although her family background is not as good as hers, she is not bad. Moreover, Qi Ziling herself is very good and has many suitors, but this girl only likes her three cousins.

However, Lin Hua didn't say anything to Qi Ziling and didn't even look at him. How could such an arrogant man know such an ordinary woman as Tang Xiaonan?

The sun is more likely to come out in the west.

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