Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1707: Resolutely the Lin family

The old man told about what happened to Miao Bamei's family. Chen Xuezhen was furious when he heard it. He took the leather belt and went to beat Lin Jiangang again.

"What do the cadres in the county town do? No one cares about wrongful convictions? It's a new society, not an old one. You quickly rescue your son, Lao Lin. Prison is no place for people."

"Well, Xiaohua is already doing it, let's deal with the beast family of Jiangang first, and we can't let them occupy the name of the Lin family." The old man said seriously.

"Of course, tomorrow, no, let them get out of the imperial capital now and go back to the Miao family!" Chen Xuezhen said angrily.

"Lin Ranran, are you willing?" the old man asked.

If it weren't for the fact that Lin Ranran was an old woman and a treasure, he would have left the family long ago, how could he have tolerated it until now.

Chen Xuezhen froze for a moment, did not hesitate for too long, and said firmly: "Is there anything I can't bear, she is not my granddaughter, so I rushed out together. I will call Principal Huang and immediately fire Lin Ranran!"

The old lady is also a resolute person, she does what she says, and wants to call the president of Imperial College.

The old man was very satisfied with the performance of the old lady, so he had to be so sloppy and not give Lin Jiangang's family any hope.

Lin Ranran was in class, and she was taught a lesson by Chen Xuezhen yesterday. How dare she skip class and come to the class obediently, but she can last for a week at most, and it doesn't even take a week before she will return to her old ways.

Miao Bamei and Tang Xiaonan were also listening to the class. This class was not the main class.

"Lin Ranran doesn't know, right? Look at her shyness." Tang Xiaonan.

"Leave her alone."

Miao Bamei glanced at Lin Ranran, who was sleeping on her stomach in the two rows in front of her, and shook her head. She didn't have much opinion on Lin Ranran, but she didn't like Lin Ranran either.

Only halfway through a class, the dean came over in person, stood at the door of the classroom very seriously, made a gesture to the teacher, entered the classroom and called, "Lin Ranran, come with me!"

After calling it again, Lin Ranran didn't respond. The dean called again and raised her voice, but she still didn't respond.

Lin Ranran held the textbook upright on the table, and was about to snort, but the classmates next to her couldn't see it, and pushed her to wake her up.

The dean frowned upon seeing it. This kind of student is fine, so as not to affect the school atmosphere.

"Lin Ranran, come with me, hurry up!"

The dean shouted, and Lin Ranran finally woke up. She quickly got up and followed the dean. She never came back after that. She didn't even come back to clean up the things in the dormitory.

The next day, the school announced the expulsion of Lin Ranran and posted it in the publicity window. Take precautions, study hard, and make progress every day.

This wave of killing chickens and warning monkeys has really brought the school's learning atmosphere to several levels. No one dares to skip classes anymore. Even the auxiliary courses like Marx and Lei Maogui are listened to by the students with great interest, and the classrooms are full of seats.

Tang Xiaonan didn't expect the Lin family to be so vigorous and resolute, without even a transition period, they just did it with drastic measures. This style is too appetizing.

Two days after Lin Ranran was fired, the Imperial Capital Daily released even more earth-shattering news. The Lin family published a statement of severing ties with Lin Jiangang in the newspaper. Lin Jiangang was not allowed to flaunt the name of the Lin family outside, otherwise the criminal law would greet him.

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