Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1726: is his star

"Why didn't you say a word when you came back? The second brother is really annoying. He even lied to me that you went out to run errands. Hmph, wait until the New Year to see that I won't beat him..."

Tang Xiaonan was chattering, there were so many things to say, it was only two months apart, but it was longer than two years, the feeling of lovesickness was really uncomfortable.

Huo Jinzhi smiled slightly, looked down at his girl, and his eyes were as thick as affectionate glue.

Ai Xiang couldn't see it anymore, and interrupted the young couple, "Pay attention to the influence, this is China."

The stinky girl didn't even look at her just now, and ignored her directly. Thanks to her smiling so enthusiastically, she saw Se Wang's sister-in-law.

Only then did Tang Xiaonan notice that she was still in Huo Jinzhi's arms, and many people around were watching them. Fortunately, they were at the airport, and those who could afford a plane were either foreigners or wealthy Chinese, and their minds were relatively open. , Although he was looking at them, he was not surprised, his smile was tolerant and understanding.

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"Come back for your birthday."

Huo Jinzhi put the person down, one of the reasons was his birthday, and he had business affairs when he came back, which was a pleasant surprise.

This time, he helped the Lin family reunite. It was considered a big favor. Lin Hua gave him a big order. He knew that it was to repay the favor, so he accepted it unceremoniously. This order must be negotiated by himself. In time for Tang Xiaonan's birthday, he returned to China.

The big order this time was all at the expense of Tang Xiaonan. This girl is his lucky star. It can be said that Tang Xiaopang is the brightest star in his life.

Without Tang Xiaopang, he would not be where he is now.

Huo Jinzhi felt that Tang Xiaopang must be a fairy sent to him by God.

"I forgot my birthday, and it's not the whole life. What are you doing here on purpose? Will your studies be delayed? Will it affect your credits? I heard that universities in the United States all take credits..."

Although Tang Xiaonan complained, her face was full of joy, her eyebrows and eyes curved.

Huo Jinzhi was secretly amusing, a duplicitous girl who clearly missed him so much.

"There's business too, let's go."

Huo Jin was pushing the cart and walking away with Tang Xiaonan in one hand. Ai Xiang was chatting with Tang Aijun. Seeing them approaching, Ai Xiang jokingly said, "I am willing to part? Look at how hard you are."

Tang Xiaonan blushed again and hid behind Huo Jinzhi. Ai Xiang stopped joking and said, "I'll go to the newspaper office first."

"Aren't you going to be jet lag at home?" Tang Xiaonan asked in surprise.

Her second sister-in-law is also working too hard, so she has to rest for a few days to avoid jet lag, right?

"There's no need for jet lag, I'm used to it. I have to get familiar with the domestic environment as soon as possible and get started early." Ai Xiang has a strong professionalism and works harder than men.

She also wants to gain a firm foothold in China as soon as possible. It is best to find an entry point that can expose the dark side of society. The darker the better, so that the first shot can be fired.

Tang Xiaonan's thoughts moved, and she talked about the replacement of Liu Shanxing and Sun Hongmei in the college entrance examination, "Second sister-in-law, I am 100% sure that there must be many people who have been impostors in the college entrance examination these years. If you can do an exclusive interview, I think It will definitely help those students who have been replaced who have nowhere to appeal."

As an excellent reporter, Ai Xiang immediately realized that what Xiao Nan said would definitely help her fight a beautiful career battle in China.

"I'll report back to the agency and say that I will go to the school to find you, and I'll settle the case."

Ai Xiang soon made up her mind. She wanted to report back to the agency for instructions. She saw the problem more deeply than Tang Xiaonan. Behind these replacement cases, the greater responsibility was the inaction of the education department. .

If a society is likened to a tree, then journalists are woodpeckers, specializing in picking out borers on trees so that the trees can flourish and flourish.

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