Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1729: Show affection

Lin Xuejian and Tang Xiaonan were chatting and laughing together, and they didn't intend to meet the guests at other tables. Lin Xuejian didn't want to become a socialite like her cousin Lin Weiwei. She didn't have the ability or the will.

She just wants to study quietly, learn her skills well, and become a person who is useful to the country and society in the future.

Today, many guests brought girls of the right age at home. The purpose is to make friends with the daughter of the Lin family. Lin Weiwei's eyes are higher than the top, and most people don't look down on it. Lin Weiwei's magic eye.

But Lin Xuejian was different. One was that she was still young, and the other was her experience. It was destined that the daughter of the Lin family would not be as arrogant as Lin Weiwei. After all, she was a girl from the countryside, so she should speak better.

It's just that these people didn't expect that Lin Xuejian already had friends. It seemed that the family background was not bad, and the relationship was very close, so outsiders couldn't get in.

Recommend an app, comparable to the old version of the book-chasing artifact, which can change the source books to read \\\\\\\\\\\\!

Huo Jinzhi smiled and watched his daughter-in-law chat with Lin Xuejian. He had already seen the thoughts of those people, but he just didn't remind him.

Moreover, even Old Master Lin didn't say a word, and he was not qualified to intervene as an outsider. Besides, Tang Xiaonan and Lin Xuejian's friendship was only beneficial to him, and he was naturally happy to see it.

The seat Ji Shishi was sitting was a little far from Tang Xiaonan's table. There were several tables away. She didn't see Tang Xiaonan and Huo Jinzhi, nor did she know that Tang Xiaonan was talking to Lin Xuejian. She just wanted to make friends with Lin Xuejian.

So, after sitting for a while, Ji Shishi excused herself to go to the bathroom and got up to find Lin Xuejian to get in touch with her. She soon saw Lin Xuejian, talking to a young girl with a very intimate attitude.

Tang Xiaonan was sitting with her back facing Ji Shishi, she only saw the back, but didn't recognize it.

Ji Shishi's heart skipped a beat, and she became nervous. How could anyone be faster than her? It seemed that they had a deep relationship with Lin Xuejian, so she had to speed up.

She walked a few steps faster, came to Tang Xiaonan's back, faced Lin Xuejian, squeezed out a bright smile, and said generously, "Miss Lin, I'm Ji Shishi, a third-year student of Chinese Literature at Imperial College. It's the same school as you."

Tang Xiaonan was chatting happily with Lin Xuejian, but was interrupted abruptly, and she was someone she didn't like very much, so she couldn't help frowning, and glared fiercely at Huo Jinzhi beside her.

Huo Jinzhi was stared inexplicably, he didn't even say a word.

Did Tang Xiaopang come to auntie?

Every time he came there, Tang Xiaopang always had a small temper for no reason. He asked Gu Yunchuan for advice and said that this was a normal phenomenon. Gu Yunchuan also asked him to let more girls.

"I'll peel the shrimp for you?"

Huo Jinzhi took a big shrimp and peeled it diligently. The fat and white shrimp was delivered to Tang Xiaonan's mouth. Tang Xiaonan had no appetite, but when she thought of Ji Shishi behind her, she had an appetite again and ate the shrimp.

He also deliberately acted like a spoiled child, "I still have to eat."

Hmph, I just want to show it to Ji Shishi's nasty ghost, it's better to be pissed!


How could Huo Jinzhi know Tang Xiaonan's careful thinking, he thought he had guessed right, and happily peeled the shrimp, he peeled the shrimp very fast, and soon Tang Xiaonan ate several.

Ji Shishi, who was forced to stuff a big bowl of dog food, felt like a big rock was stuffed in his heart, and he panicked.

Still very sour.

She didn't know when Huo Jinzhi came back, only Tang Xiaonan was in the eyes of this man.

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