Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1736: arrogant birthday present

It was another spring breeze, Tang Xiaonan had just regained some energy, but she was so exhausted again that she slumped on the bed, not even wanting to move her fingers.

She wanted to bite that bad guy to death!

Aunt Yang must now know that she has done something bad.

The family will definitely know that too, it's embarrassing.

The more Tang Xiaonan thought about it, the more shy she became. She could imagine her father Tang Laifu carrying a pig-killing knife.

"You're finished... my dad will definitely chop you up!"

Tang Xiaonan gritted her teeth and said, hum, let's see if this guy is afraid.

A chuckle sounded from above his head, Huo Jinzhi pulled the person out of the bed, Tang Xiaonan refused, "If you don't come out...don't come out!"

Going out has to be forced... She doesn't want it.

She is a delicate flower, and she can't stand the torture any more.

Last night and now, there have been at least ten times, even if she is the overlord flower, she can't stand it, this guy is not human.

Tang Xiaonan seriously doubted that this guy had taken some kind of small pill, otherwise it would be too incompatible with physiological science. How could he still have such a good spirit after exercising all night and in the morning?

It's not a robot, it's definitely not normal.

"I won't bother you anymore." Huo Jinzhi coaxed softly. It was indeed that he was too aggressive just now, which frightened the girl.

But who made this girl's taste so good, he couldn't control it at all, he couldn't help asking for it again and again, if he hadn't taken into account that Tang Xiaonan's body couldn't stand it, he could still continue.

"You said that before, and I don't believe you anymore."

Tang Xiaonan held on to the quilt with both hands, and she wouldn't be fooled again if she was beaten to death.

"It's really not going to make trouble, it will be boring, come out quickly."

Huo Jinzhi couldn't help laughing. With a little force, he slipped the person out of the bed. Tang Xiaonan glared hard and gave him the back of his head, blushing. In fact, she was shy.

It was the first time that she met Huo Jinzhi candidly, so shameful.

"Everything you should see..."

Huo Jinzhi joked in her ear, Tang Xiaonan blushed even more, and reached out to cover his mouth, "No more!"

The two laughed and quarreled on the bed, and before they knew it, it was noon, and Tang Xiaonan's stomach was growling. During this period, Aunt Yang never came to call the door. On the weekends, because Tang Xiaonan was going to sleep late, as long as the door was not opened, Aunt Yang would not open. Will come to call the door to avoid making Tang Xiaonan sleep.

"Aunt Yang must know, she will tell my mother, wait for my dad to come and chop you!" Tang Xiaonan snorted arrogantly, but she lay lazily in Huo Jinzhi's arms, still holding His hands cracked to play.

The man's hand was clearly articulated, long and large, Tang Xiaonan put his hand on his palm, more than halfway away, Huo Jinzhi clenched his hand and wrapped her fist easily.

"Aunt Yang won't say anything."

Huo Jinzhi's tone was certain, he was the one who paid the salary, and Aunt Yang knew what to do as long as he was smart enough.

Furthermore, he and Tang Xiaopang were originally unmarried couples, and they got married after graduating from college. It was normal to do these things, and it was nothing.

Seeing that he was so sure, Tang Xiaonan felt relieved. She was also afraid that it would be best to hide it from her angry parents.

"happy Birthday!"

Huo Jinzhi was like a conjurer, with a dark red book in his hand, Tang Xiaonan's eyes lit up, this was her favorite room book.

I snatched the house book. It was the house of the Imperial Capital. It was a little far from the Imperial Capital University.

"Where did such a big house come from?" Tang Xiaonan's eyes crooked with laughter, she liked this birthday gift very much.

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