"Dad, please be careful about divorce."

Shen Yuzhu does not agree that Shen Lixia and Huang Fengxian are torn apart now. Even if they really get divorced, she will not follow Shen Lixia, even though she prefers her father.

But she has to consider practical issues. Only by following Huang Fengxian can she live better, and the Huang family can protect her. Shen Lixia is an outsider. If he gets divorced, he can't even support himself, let alone her?

And she also didn't want to be bullied in the village like Huo Jinzhi, even a child could be insulted. Huo Jinzhi couldn't retaliate when he scolded him, couldn't fight back when he beat him, just because he was an outsider and had no backer in Mopan Mountain.

Once Shen Lixia gets divorced, he will be the second Huo Jinzhi, she is not that stupid.

"Dad, you are still in Mopanshan now, and I also have to go to university. You can't let people know that I have an unruly mother. Dad, didn't you always want me to go to university?"

Shen Yuzhu persuaded earnestly that now, only Shen Lixia can save Huang Fengxian's reputation.

Although she is only ten years old, she already knows a lot of things. She also knows that Huang Fengxian is not clear with men outside, and even knows that her father Shen Lixia is not clear when she is outside, but she just pretends that she doesn't know.

Some things are better not to know.

This is also the main reason why Shen Yuzhu wants to go to university. She wants to get out of Mopan Mountain and stay away from this terrible home. No matter what method she uses, she must go out!

Huang Fengxian's parents also came. Seeing the tragic state of their children, the old couple almost vomited blood. Mother Huang wanted to save her daughter and broke Xu Jinfeng's hand. She was an elder. Hit, just don't let go.

"Don't hit my mother, bad guy!"

Tang Xiaonan ran over and dragged Mother Huang. She liked Xu Jinfeng now, so naturally she couldn't watch Xu Jinfeng suffer, and hugged Mother Huang's hand so tightly that she even exerted her strength to suckle.

"Let me go, dead girl, a bandit like your mother, if you don't let me go, I'll beat you to death!"

Huang Mu shook it a few times, Tang Xiaonan was still hanging on her arm, and she was so angry that she slapped her hand to fan, but Xu Jinfeng stopped her. She is now pulling Huang Fengxian's hair with one hand, and holding Huang Mu with the other hand.

"Take care of your **** first, you show off in front of men all day long, and you fool around with men in class. Have you seen it? This is what a man eats. You taught me Huang Fengxian's slutty cousin. Your daughter is like a mother! "

"I didn't, Dad, Mom, I didn't..."

Huang Fengxian defended in a low voice, she had already woken up, she knew that this matter must not be admitted, and her reputation must not be damaged, so—

"It's Li Xia... In the morning me and him..."

Huang Fengxian lowered her head in shame, her eyes were full of hatred, hatred towards Xu Jinfeng and the Tang family. Sooner or later, she will settle the account, so she will wait.

"Bah, you think I'm blind, whether it was eaten in the morning or fresh, even a fool can see it, and if you refuse to admit it, you will be beaten to death!"

Xu Jinfeng kicked Huang Fengxian's knee, and Huang Fengxian knelt down in pain, but her hair was pulled by Xu Jinfeng, and her scalp was in severe pain. Huang Fengxian cried out miserably. Mother Huang was angry and distressed. She threw it out and sat down on the ground.

The coccyx snapped, and the pain made Tang Xiaonan almost gasp. She touched her hand down, and a pointed stone just happened to hit her coccyx. No wonder the pain was killing her.

"It hurts... ah... it hurts... Dad..."

Tang Xiaonan let out a happy cry. Tears flowed out like a faucet. Tang Laifu couldn't stand anymore. He quickly picked up Tang Xiaonan and checked her where she was injured.



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