Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1838: 3 punches for 100 yuan

"Do you know Shi Ye? If you shoot today, don't even think about living!" Huo Jinzhi threatened.

The man with the gun was stunned for a moment. Of course he knew Shiye, who would not know Shiye, a gangster in this city?

"Stop bragging, Master Shi will know you?" The man obviously didn't believe it, and his fingers slowly pressed the trigger.

Tang Xiaonan wanted to block in front of her, but she recruited it. She couldn't let Huo Jinzhi block bullets for her, but Huo Jinzhi blocked it so tightly that she couldn't move at all.

"I don't have to lie to you, here is ten thousand dollars, take it and have fun with my brothers!"

Huo Jinzhi took out a pile of money from his body, which he had just taken out from the bank. The gangster's eyes lit up, and he shot out a greedy light, and subconsciously wanted to reach for the money.

But this **** is not stupid. He quickly reacted, withdrew his hand, raised his gun again, and mocked: "You are dead, the money is still mine, go to hell!"

Huo Jinzhi smiled calmly, not because he regarded death as his home, but because he saw the restaurant owner behind the gangster with an iron rod in his hand.

"Okay, shoot if you have the guts, and see if Shiye will spare you!"

The gangster hesitated again, and didn't dare to gamble. If he really knew Shiye, he wouldn't be able to eat and walk around, and his life would definitely be in danger.

Those Chinese are all ruthless, they kill without blinking an eye, and they don't even dare to provoke the Three Ks.

But he didn't believe that these few Chinese would know such a big man as Master Shi. He might have lied to him. If he believed it, he would be a fool.

"Come on, shoot here!" Huo Jinzhi pointed to his chest, deliberately stimulating the gangster.

The gangster was even more hesitant. It seemed that Huo Jinzhi didn't look like an ordinary Chinese.

At this moment, the restaurant owner made his move. An iron rod hit the back of the gangster's neck. The gangster's eyes turned white, his body softened, and he fell forward. Meng Liyan didn't know where to get out, with two hands in his hand. The big spoon knocked on the half-dazed **** without thinking.

After knocking more than a dozen times in a row, he still didn't stop, and in the end, he was forcibly pulled by the boss. If he didn't stop, the **** would be knocked to death.

Huo Jin took the gun in the hands of the gangster, twisted it, suddenly sneered, and skillfully removed the gun chamber, there was only one bullet in it, these gangsters are really poor, with only one bullet The guns dare to come out and mix.

After reloading the gun, Huo Jinzhi pointed the gun at the left ear of the guy who was obviously the boss of the gang, and said coldly, "Have you tasted the taste of a gun? Bullets are shot from this side, and will be shot from the other side. The ear shoots out, if it's fast enough~www.readwn.com~ you may just feel like a bug got in your ear, it hummed, and then... bang, it exploded!"

A few words, the boss of the indomitable gangster was so frightened that tears streamed down his face, how could he still be arrogant before, begging for mercy repeatedly.

"Don't worry, I don't like killing people, but I like bullying others!"

Huo Jinzhi stood up and picked up the 10,000 yuan before, all of which were worth 100 yuan. He took out one and said to the crowd who came around again, "Who dares to punch three times and scold them as a white-skinned monkey? , who will give this hundred dollars!"

As soon as the words fell, the crowd was eager to move, including those locals, a hundred yuan was a lot.

"Will it be more for six punches?" someone asked.

"Of course, but every punch must be exhausted, otherwise there will be no money!".

"I come!"

The man who asked the question came first. It was a young African-American man. He was tall and big, and his fists were like sand bowls. It was three fists against the gangster boss.

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