Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1844: 3 days without going out

"Xingan and Xuejian must be laughing at me, I don't have the face to see them anymore, it's all your fault!"

Tang Xiaonan was so angry that she bit someone's hand hard. She brought her friends out to play, but she was locked in the room and did not go out. Xin Gan and Lin Xue could think of them with their toes. What she was doing in the room must be behind her back. laugh at her.

"The housekeeper took them out to play, and they haven't come back yet." Huo Jinzhi said lightly.

With Ned's arrangement, he put a hundred hearts into it, Xin Gan and Lin Xueqian would definitely be able to have a good time.

Tang Xiaonan breathed a sigh of relief, it was fine not to be at home.

"I'm going out too, I'm going out tomorrow." Tang Xiaonan asked, she wanted to go out with friends, what's the point of being bored at home every day.

"I'll go out with you in a few days."

Huo Jinzhi turned over and pressed him up again. The girl was full of anger, and obviously she had recovered her spirits, so let's continue exercising.

"Don't... I want to sleep... You can't abuse me!" Tang Xiaonan couldn't help struggling, she really didn't want to come again, her waist was about to break.

"It's called happy sports, and you obviously enjoy it."

Huo Jinzhi kept his hands, and soon the flames were lit. The room was filled with the smell of heather blossoms. The sun went down and the moon climbed up. The couple in the room were warm and lingering, and even the moon was ashamed. Dare to look at it openly, hiding in the clouds and peeping.

In the past three days, Tang Xiaonan has not even been on the ground, except for eating and sleeping, and even taking a shower and going to the toilet, she is carried by someone. She can no longer be shy, and she is so tired that she just wants to sleep, just toss with this guy.

Huo Jinzhi, who had eaten for three days, was finally satisfied, and mercifully let Tang Xiaonan go and allowed her to go out.

In the evening, Xin Gan and Lin Xuejian came back from outside and saw Tang Xiaonan in the living room, but they hadn't seen each other for three days.

"Xiao Nan, you've lost weight." Xin Gan was very envious. He was so thin that he could see with the naked eye, and his chin was sharp.

She wandered around in the past three days, and she walked a lot, and she didn't eat much.

Tang Xiaonan lay lazily on the sofa, still lacking strength, she looked like she had no bones, Xin Gan couldn't help but reached out and poked her face lightly, jokingly said, "Why are you so sleepy? Sleeping for three days, the key is to lose weight while sleeping, it's really maddening."

Lin Xuejian coughed lightly, his eyes flashed, and he lightly stabbed the fool around him.

Only a three-year-old child would really believe that Tang Xiaonan had been sleeping purely for the past three days.

Xin Gan looked at her in surprise~www.readwn.com~ Xuejian why did you stab me? "

Lin Xuejian rolled his eyes, took a banana from the coffee table, peeled it and stuffed it into this stupid mouth, "Please eat a banana."

Don't talk nonsense, don't see Tang Xiaonan's face turning red.

"Bananas are delicious."

Xin Gan nibbled at the bananas in large mouthfuls, and finished one in a few seconds, and then took one by herself and gnawed on it. In such a short time, she solved three bananas.

"I really envy your physique when you say you are thin. I can get fat even if I drink water. I have walked a lot in the past three days, at least 10 kilometers. Still not thin, alas!"

Xin Gan sighed, claws went to get another banana, peeled it and gnawed.

The fourth one.

Tang Xiaonan's mouth twitched, did she not eat much?

"Xuejian, Xin Gan really didn't eat?" Tang Xiaonan asked with a smile.

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