Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1862: while usurping

Tang Xiaonan quickly understood, but was still worried, "What if he refuses?"

Shi Ye is not a tiger with his teeth pulled out. If he really fights, he might lose both.

"I can't help him, his subordinates have already refused to listen to him, so what if they don't want to." Huo Jinzhi was confident.

Shi Ping has a high prestige in the gang. They are brothers who are born and die. In recent years, the master has rarely managed the affairs of the gang. Basically, Shi Ping is in charge.

But not everyone can follow Shi Ping willingly. Loyalty is too vain, and banknotes are more real. Therefore, he provided banknotes and asked Shiping to pay those brothers to settle their families.

There is no person in the world who can't be bought. It is only possible that the chips are not enough. He is not short of money, and these investments can be made back with profits in the future, and there is no loss.

Of course his money is not free, Chen Ye is the condition.

He can provide all the funds, but Chen Ye and Shi Ping must jointly manage the affairs of the gang. The reason why Chen Ye is Chen Ye is because Chen Ye is justifiable, and he is also a member of the Qing Gang. Naturally, no one dares to gossip when helping Shiping manage.

If Huo Jinzhi intervenes, those people will definitely not be convinced, and no one will be convinced by an outsider.

Huo Jinzhi has self-knowledge, so he only pays.

Shi Ping is of course unwilling to divide power with others, but he is no match for Huo Jinzhi's incorruptible tongue. .

The negotiation was very successful. It took three days to persuade Shi Ping, and it took only two days to buy those brothers. Chen Ye was better at speaking, and he had long wanted to come here for development.

Huo Jinzhi throws bricks to attract jade, and Chen Ye pushes the boat along the way. Of course, the conditions are very attractive. As long as Chen Ye successfully wins the place here, Huo Jinzhi's business here is absolutely smooth, and no one dares to stop it.

Tang Xiaonan didn't understand these twists and turns, but seeing that Huo Jin was confident, she didn't worry.

Chen Ye took Shi Ye to call, but he didn't come back for a long time. Jesse, the birthday star, danced the first dance song with a handsome white boy. After that, he danced with many boys in an endless stream, one after another, Just like a butterfly.

Minutes passed, the party atmosphere reached its climax, the dance music suddenly stopped, the hall became eerily quiet, and the lights brightened.

The guests looked up in amazement. Usually, such bright lights are turned on when the venue is about to end. Now it is only halfway through. What are you doing with the lights on?

Jesse stood on it, with a confident smile, beautiful and charming, but her eyes were full of ambition, and there were more than ten bodyguards with guns and ammunition around her, all of them were cold and murderous.

There were also a dozen shivering men and women, the youngest were only in their teens, and the older ones were in their early 40s. They were guarded by these bodyguards, and their faces were full of fear. Tang Xiaonan guessed the identities of these men and women, they should be Shiye's. sons and daughters.

What does Jesse want to do?

Does she also want to force the palace to usurp the throne?

Huo Jinzhi's voice sounded in his ears, "This woman has a lot of ambition. She has long wanted to take Shiye's position, and she has been preparing for it."

In fact, he still admires Jesse. He dares to think and act, but he is too self-righteous, thinking that with these few people, he can seize power?

It's too naive, even if he and Chen Ye didn't make a move, Shi Ye couldn't have made Jesse successful, but Jesse's move was an excellent opportunity, so he found out that Jesse was going to usurp the throne tonight, so he He acquiesced to the woman's actions, and even offered some help.

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