Shi Ping twisted Jesse's arm and looked at her coldly, "Do you really think that you are very good? Those who practice with you are just coaxing you to play for the sake of money."

"No, you're lying, I'm relying on my real skills!"

Jessie screamed, unwilling to believe the truth. She was obviously relying on her own hard work to win against those people. Shi Ping deliberately said these words to irritate her, she would not believe it.

Shi Ping sneered, looked at the dozen or so bodyguards who were shivering, and asked, "Tell your lady, can she beat you?"

The bodyguards were silent for a while and did not dare to tell the truth, but under Shi Ping's sharp eyes, they did not dare not to speak, so they said tremblingly: "Miss, you are actually very powerful, that is... just a little weak."

Jesse's eyes darkened. At this time, she still didn't understand that the kung fu she was proud of was actually a sleight of hand. Those bodyguards who were beaten to the ground by her were just playing with her.

Everyone knew the truth, but they refused to tell her, they were watching her jokes.


Jesse screamed like crazy and struggled, but under Shi Ping's restraint, he didn't move.

Shi Ping winked at his subordinates, and his subordinates understood, took away Jesse and her bodyguards, and also released more than ten young masters and young ladies of Shi's family. Shi Xiang was a little seriously injured and was supported by others. Ping dissatisfied and shouted: "Why are you so slow, what are you doing to eat!"

As the firstborn son and the beloved youngest son, Shi Xiang has always looked down on Shi Ping, the lowly illegitimate son, and he never speaks in a good tone and shouts loudly.

Shi Ping glanced at him lightly, his eyes were deep, Shi Xiang couldn't help sinking, feeling the difference in this illegitimate child, but he still didn't expect the seriousness of the matter, and said angrily: "What are you looking at, doing things? Can't do it, can't I say a few words? Look at it this way again, I'll tell Dad!"

Shi Ye in the corridor was very uneasy. He was sensitively aware that things might not be what he thought. He broke free and strode out. Chen Ye didn't stop him and followed slowly behind.

Shi Ping's subordinates looked angry and wanted to teach Shi Xiang a lesson, but was stopped by Shi Ping, "Children are ignorant, just teach him a lesson."

After speaking, he took a step forward and slapped him with a big ear light. Before Shi Xiang could react, he was slapped to the ground and fainted.

"Shiping, you dare!"

Shi Ye was so distressed that he shouted loudly and wanted to run to save his son, but suddenly a sharp voice sounded, everyone's attention was attracted by this voice, but no one noticed Shi Ye.

"This Shi Xiang is too rude, Shi Ping is his elder brother, he is disrespectful to his elder brother and deserves a slap in the face!"

The sharp voice is Huo Jinzhi. He is the best at doing this kind of thing. The guests can't help but nod. It's really rude. Compared with the **** Shi Xiang, the honest and steady Shi Ping is much better, but it's a pity that he came from a low background It's a little bit old, but now in a democratic society, illegitimate children and legitimate children have equal inheritance rights, so it's not a big deal.

The sharp voice rang again, Huo Jinzhi pinched his nose and shouted, "Isn't Mr. Shi going to retire? I think Shi Ping is very good, capable and prestigious. With so many sons, Shi Ping is the most suitable. Now, I think it's better to hit the sun than to choose a day, so let Shi Ping take over tonight, we are all witnesses."

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