Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1867: Your 1 set is outdated

The party broke up. In less than half an hour, the Shi family, which was bustling and feasting, suddenly became deserted and the guests all left, but the news of the Shi family's change of ownership will surely be known to the whole city tomorrow.

The guests who came to the party tonight are all powerful people in the city, and their friends are naturally well-heeled, and they spread the news faster than a rocket, and no one could hold back.

Huo Jinzhi and Tang Xiaonan were still at Shi's house, Chen Ye was there, and with the whole family, Shi Ye was awake, his face was pale, but his waist was still straight.

He fixedly looked at Shi Ping for a long time before he smiled, "I'm the one who misunderstood."

Shi Pian was expressionless, and said coldly, "You've missed a lot of times."

Shi Ye's heart was congested, his throat was sweet again, and he almost spurted blood again.

Looking at the embarrassed children and Jesse who was unconvinced, Master Shi sighed and finally accepted the truth.

His country has changed hands.

He was forced to retire.

Fortunately, Shiping had a little conscience and didn't want his life, nor the lives of other brothers and sisters.

"How do you plan to arrange us?" Shi Ye asked.

Shi Ping was still expressionless, "As long as you don't interfere in the affairs of the gang, you can do whatever you want, and I won't touch them, but if you want to make small moves, don't blame me for being ruthless, I can forgive them once, and I won't forgive them again. the second time."

Master Shi smiled miserably and nodded, "I see, thank you for still caring about friendship."

He looked at Huo Jinzhi again and laughed at himself, "You know each other early in the morning? It's good to hide it from me!"

Huo Jinzhi smiled and said, "It can only be said that you are old and your sense of smell is not sensitive. Chen Ye and I have known each other for so many years, but you didn't find out?"

Shi Ye's heart was aching again, and he gritted his teeth with hatred, but he could only swallow this breath. He is now a tiger with his teeth pulled, what kind of power can he show?


Shi Ye asked reluctantly.

He will die to understand.

He asked himself that he didn't offend Huo Jinzhi, or that he was a business partner. Why did this **** turn against him?

Huo Jinzhi sneered and sneered: "Master Shi's hand is too long, times are changing, people are changing, it's not good for Master Shi to use the old way, who I want to marry is mine It has nothing to do with Shiye, and I don't like business partners who have too much appetite, as much as I want. Too much appetite will easily cause nausea~www.readwn.com~ Shiye gritted his teeth, his face was even more ugly.

It's such a silly thing, can't you tell him?

"You can tell me, it's not that we can't negotiate." Shi Ye gritted his teeth, his eyes resentful.

Huo Jinzhi smiled, "Master Shi is getting old, it's time to retire and take care of yourself, I think Shi Ping is very good, young and promising, courageous, responsible, and prestige, he will definitely be better than blue. Retire in peace, Lord Shi."

Chen Ye also said: "Shizun has always been thinking about going back to his hometown, and my father is waiting for you to go back and play together."

Shi Ye was silent for a long time, his face was unpredictable, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I will retire, I hope you can do what you say and don't hurt my children."

"Uncle Shi put a hundred hearts. If Shi Ping and I wanted to mess with them, it wouldn't be so troublesome. I always like to be straightforward in doing things and cut the mess quickly. After all, Uncle Shi is my father's good brother. I still have to give you some face, as long as your children are safe and sound, I will keep them safe for the rest of their lives." Chen Ye said with a smile.

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