Tang Xiaonan didn't say any more. In fact, she didn't want to see the family. What Mr. Huo did last time was too disgusting. It's not a good thing to come to the Huo family.

The remaining two days passed quickly, Tang Xiaonan was going back to China, Huo Jinzhi took her to the airport, and the two hugged reluctantly.

"Call me when you arrive." Huo Jinzhi said softly.

"Well, when are you going back home?"

Tang Xiaonan was lying in his arms, her voice was a little choked up, and this parting, she hadn't seen each other for a long time.

"I will definitely go back a year ago, don't worry."

Huo Jinzhi kissed and promised to go back years ago, and he was reluctant to be separated from his daughter-in-law for too long.

Tang Xiaonan was just a little happier now. It's August now, and the New Year will be half a year away, and it goes by pretty fast.

The next day, Tang Xiaonan returned to the imperial capital, and the school started tomorrow, so she went straight back to the imperial capital and did not go to Songcheng.

Yesterday I was abroad, but I went home today. Tang Xiaonan couldn't get used to it for a while. She slept at home for a whole day, but she was still in a bad mood the next day. Xin Gan and Lin Xuejian were both in good spirits and tanned a lot. , I have not raised white for half a month.

Tang Xiaonan distributed gifts to the classmates in the dormitory, each of them a bottle of perfume, which she bought abroad. It is not a particularly expensive brand, but the fragrance is elegant and suitable for young girls.

"Thank you, it smells so good."

Mi Aiyu was ecstatic. She had already received two waves of gifts. Lin Xuejian gave silk scarves and Xin Gan gave lipstick. They were all bought abroad. The price was definitely not cheap. She couldn't afford it herself. .

Zheng Xiaohong also thanked and accepted the gift.

"Is it fun to go abroad? I hope I can go out for a walk one day. It would be even better if I can travel around the world." Mi Aiyu said with a longing, but she felt that it was unlikely, and she was satisfied if she could travel all over the country.

"The dream may come true one day, you work hard to make money." Tang Xiaonan comforted.

Since the incident of hitting Sun Jinling, Mi Aiyu's personality has changed a lot, and she is not as petty as before. In fact, this girl is not bad at heart, but her mouth is a little broken, her heart is small, and she likes to take advantage of small things, but in general It is said that the character is okay, and it will not calculate people behind their backs.

No one is perfect, it is impossible to ask everyone to be perfect, like a saint, and Mi Aiyu's family is not good, she can understand how to plan for herself. Of course, Tang Xiaonan also doesn't want to make friends with Mi Aiyu, just four years of university peace. Just live together.

Zheng Xiaohong sighed suddenly~www.readwn.com~ It looks like she has a lot of thoughts, and she has lost a lot of weight.

"Xiaohong, what's the matter with you? I haven't seen you smiling since I came back. Is there something wrong at home?" Xin Gan asked with concern.

Zheng Xiaohong's mood was obviously wrong. She used to be very happy every time she went home, and it was the same when she came back from school, but this time it was obviously wrong.

Mi Aiyu also said: "If you have something to say, let's discuss it together. It's better for three cobblers to beat Zhuge Liang than you alone."

Zheng Xiaohong's eyes suddenly turned red, she lay on the table and started crying, which startled everyone. Zheng Xiaohong is the oldest in the dormitory.

After crying for a while, Zheng Xiaohong raised her head again, wiped her tears, and said embarrassedly, "I'm fine, I just broke up with my fiancé, and I feel a little uncomfortable."

Everyone looked at each other, fiance broke up?

This is no small matter.

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