Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1874: soon to graduate

Time flies, another year and a half has passed in the blink of an eye, and I am a senior.

In the last semester, the classmates in the class became impetuous, and they traveled around to arrange work. Everyone wanted to stay in the imperial capital. After all, the imperial capital was a big city, and it was at the feet of the emperor. The future was definitely brighter than going to other cities.

But it is impossible for everyone to stay. The imperial capital’s annual recruitment target is just that, and there are so many college students graduating every year, and there are too many monks and few porridges, so everyone has sharpened their heads and tried their best to build relationships and strive to stay. .

However, Tang Xiaonan's dormitory is not so impetuous, because Tang Xiaonan is not looking for a job, she is not in a hurry, nor does she accept the school's work assignment, and she is as leisurely as usual.

The same is true for Xin Gan. She wants to go back to her own factory to help, and she is self-supporting, so she is not assigned work, so she is also very leisurely.

Lin Xuejian had already decided to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for an internship. Of course, she had a relationship with the Lin family, but she herself was very good. Otherwise, even if the relationship between the Lin family was tough, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would not want it.

There are only Mi Aiyu and Zheng Xiaohong left, but Zheng Xiaohong went to a foreign company to apply for a job and has been accepted. After a while, Zheng Xiaohong will be able to go to the company for an internship. If the internship period is good, after graduation, it will be logical. Staying to work in a foreign company has become the envy of white-collar workers.

In the early 1990s, iron rice bowls became less popular, especially in big cities like Songcheng and Imperial Capital, where many foreign-funded enterprises were stationed, and many young people wanted to work in foreign-owned enterprises, because of the high wages and good benefits. Well, the most important thing is that foreign companies have good prospects for development, and they rely on capabilities, not relationships.

This is stronger than many state-owned enterprises. In those units with iron jobs, personal ability is not very important. What matters is the relationship behind it, and your emotional intelligence. In short, it depends on whether you are flattering.

No matter how well you do it, it is not as effective as a flattery. The leader may not see that the subordinates are working diligently, but they can definitely hear the flattering and obedient words.

This is also the reason why many young people don't want to go to state-owned units, because it doesn't matter and they don't want to be flattering. It's better to go to foreign companies to make a foray, at least there they can compete.

Now only Mi Aiyu has not found a job. If she accepts the job assignment from the school, she will most likely be assigned to her hometown, but she does not want to.

In the past few years, Mi Aiyu's vision and knowledge have grown a lot, and she also wants to stay in the imperial capital to develop, so that she can lay a good foundation for her children, and her children will no longer have to work as hard as her. .

But she hasn't found a suitable job yet. Her image is a little dirty, and her spoken language is not foreign. She went to more than a dozen companies for interviews, but she didn't pass the test.

"Oh, do I really want to go back to my hometown?" Mi Aiyu sighed, looking melancholy.

She really didn't want to go back to her hometown, she just wanted to stay in the imperial capital.

"There's still half a year, don't worry, maybe there will be good news tomorrow." Zheng Xiaohong comforted her.

Mi Aiyu was still frowning. She was not so optimistic, she was not good-looking, and she was not generous. When the interviewers saw her, they showed disappointment, and she knew it was impossible.

"There is also a private school that asked me to interview, but I don't want to teach, but if I don't go to the interview, I'm afraid I won't be able to find a job." Mi Aiyu was entangled.

She hates teaching, and really doesn't want to teach. In the past few years, being a tutor has been enough. When she sees those stupid people, she wants to get angry, but she can't get angry, and she is suffocated to death.

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