Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1882: to get married first

Xin Gan went to order some more dishes, and gave the boss one hundred yuan in advance, and he would make up for it later.

"Aiyu, didn't you go for an interview today, how was the result?" a female classmate asked with concern.

"Passed, I will go to work next week." Mi Aiyu said happily.

The other classmates are quite envious, because they all accepted the assignment and returned to their hometowns, and they didn't have the courage to stay, for fear that the chicken would fly and the eggs would be defeated.

"Aiyu, Xiaohong, you don't accept the assignment anymore?" someone asked.

"Well, after accepting the assignment, I have to go back to my hometown. I don't want to go back. I managed to get into the imperial capital. I want to stay." Mi Aiyu was firm, as did Zheng Xiaohong.

Love is gone, and career can no longer be lost.

"You are so brave, I admire you."

"Come, toast to the courage of Aiyu and Xiaohong!" A male classmate raised his cup and suggested.


Everyone touched the glasses and took a big sip of beer. Tang Xiaonan took a small sip. She doesn't like beer, it's bitter and has a strange smell. She's not used to drinking it. She prefers red wine.

As soon as the wine was drunk, the atmosphere at the dinner table became lively. The most talked about was the assignment of work and love.

"Break up, she wants to go back to her hometown, and I want to go back, one south and one north, separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, it's impossible, break up early and say goodbye." A male classmate laughed at himself and poured a gloomy sigh. Big mouthful of wine, red eyes.

Obviously, this love is still unforgettable for him.

However, no matter how beautiful love is, it is no match for the cruelty of reality.

"I also broke up. She asked me to go to her home city and said that if I love her, I should go to her place. I love her, but I also love my parents. My parents only have one son, how could I leave them? They went to live in cities thousands of miles away, my parents are getting old, and there is no one around to take care of them, so let's separate them."

Another male classmate also expressed his feelings, which seemed to be free and easy, but the bitterness in his tone could be heard by anyone.

"Brother, take one!"

The two frustrated male classmates touched their glasses and drank the water of forgetfulness in one gulp.

Tang Xiaonan didn't speak for a while. She grabbed the nearest dish to eat. Listening to these classmates, it seemed that there was no good news.

It's not all bad news, though.

"My boyfriend and I decided to stay in the Imperial Capital and work hard together. We have already found a job and hope to save enough down payment to buy a house." A female classmate said with a smile, her tone was sweet, and it could be seen that she had a good relationship with her boyfriend.

The corners of Tang Xiaonan's lips rose, finally there was good news, the couple would definitely be able to save enough money to buy a house.

The diploma of Imperial Capital University is quite valuable, the salary will not be too low, and students who can take the entrance examination of Imperial Capital University must have the ability. Now is the best time to work hard~www.readwn.com~ Choose to stay, basically Shanghui will become a successful generation of drifters, and also the highly educated parents who will be envied by everyone in Haidian District in the future.

"Congratulations to you."

Everyone rejoiced, and finally there was a success.

"Tang Xiaonan, Lin Xuejian, have you found your job?" someone asked.

Everyone looked towards Tang Xiaonan, who was sitting with Lin Xuejian.

Lin Xuejian nodded, "Find it."

He didn't say much about where he was going, and the other classmates didn't ask. With the background of the Lin family there, Lin Xuejian's job was definitely not something that ordinary people could think of.

Tang Xiaonan said with a smile, "I'm not working for the time being, and I want to get married first."

The students were all dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.


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