Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1884: Can only be widowed, not divorced

Time flies, two months have passed, the summer vacation has arrived, and the campus has become deserted. The graduates basically left the school. Those who returned to their hometowns went back to their hometowns, and those who stayed in the imperial capital also moved out.

Zheng Xiaohong rented a house near the company. Lin Xuejian practiced in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs like a duck to water, and will soon be able to become a regular. Mi Aiyu also moved to the school. Her accommodation conditions are the best. Without money, Zheng Xiaohong was envious.

Xin Gan returned to her own company to help, and was very busy every day. When she called her, she was either on a business trip, or on the way, or to meet with customers, as if she had the demeanor of a strong woman.

Tang Xiaonan went back to Songcheng, Huo Jinzhi wanted to come back in autumn, and the wedding was arranged in the golden autumn of October. First, the wedding would be held in Songcheng, then back to his hometown, and then go to a European castle for a fairy tale wedding to satisfy Tang Xiaonan's wish.

Tang Xiaonan didn't have to worry about the wedding preparations. Xu Jinfeng and Su Wanrou took care of the whole process, and Grandma Su, Tang Xiaonan, who was free to grow grass, could only stay in the house every day. It was very hot outside, and she didn't want to go out. Comfortable.

Chai Yuxiang also graduated. She didn't look for a job, but started her own business. Tang Laifeng provided the starting capital for her. Chai Yuxiang built a shop, and she was going to flower shop.

"Xiao Nan, what's the name of my flower shop?"

Chai Yuxiang asked enthusiastically that her store was still being renovated and the name of the store was still in tangle. Tang Xiaonan had nothing to do at home, so she came to the store to help.

"Yuxiang Flower Shop?" Tang Xiaonan joked and was scorned by Chai Yuxiang, "Speaking of serious business, I have thought about it a lot, but I always feel that it is too mediocre and doesn't show any special features."

"Then what features do you want? Warm and sweet or alternative?"

Chai Yuxiang scratched her head in distress, "I don't know either, I just want to call it catchy, and then it shouldn't be too popular, and the name should be easy to remember and not too cliché, oh, I can't say it well, Xiao Nan, you help me Think of one?"

"Where's Cheng Xiaowei? What's his idea?"

Tang Xiaonan looked at her cousin with a half-smile but not a smile. She split up and closed, and went around. She was still with Cheng Xiaowei in the end. They split twice in the middle. I won't be with Cheng again.

As a result, within a month of saying this, Chai Yuxiang slapped herself in the face and reunited with Cheng Xiaowei. Therefore, when she called again in the middle of the night to ask for comfort, Tang Xiaonan just didn't listen to it. She doesn't get involved in this kind of love affair.

Even the sisters can't make it.

And she could also see that Chai Yuxiang really loved Cheng Xiaowei miserably. Fortunately, although Cheng Xiaowei was a Phoenix man, he was also sincere to his cousin, and he could understand it clearly, so he was a good match.

Chai Yuxiang felt the teasing of her cousin, so she couldn't help blushing, and muttered in a low voice, "The name he chose is even worse, Xiao Nan, can you help me choose one."

She also knew that it was not good for her to eat back grass, but she just liked Cheng Xiaowei. Except for him, she didn't feel any other men. She was annoyed when she saw it. Moreover, when she was separated from Cheng Xiaowei, she lived like the walking dead, and she was boring as a human being. .

The same is true for Cheng Xiaowei. She heard from his boss that Cheng Xiaowei made mistakes in his drawings for a while. Fortunately, the boss found out, otherwise it would have been a big mistake and he would have lost a lot of money.

After the second reunion, she and Xiaowei made an appointment. No matter how quarrelsome they are in the future, they are never allowed to break up. Between them, there can only be widowers, not breakups.

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