Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1887: A little rich woman worth 00,000

Chai Yuxiang was startled, and was overjoyed soon, "Xiao Nan, did you really pay? Aren't you afraid of losing money?"

"Didn't you say you can definitely make money?" Tang Xiaonan joked.

"It's not certain. There must be profits and losses in doing business. Xiaowei said that the chances of making money are quite high." Chai Yuxiang said with a smile, she didn't dare to make a deal.

"It doesn't matter if you lose, there must be losses and gains in investment. You can ask him to eat together and talk about it." Tang Xiaonan said with a smile.

She still has confidence in Cheng Xiaowei. She has the right time, the right place, and the people. Now she is only short of funds. She is the shareholder style.

Recently, she is also thinking about her future career planning. Originally, her plan was to engage in foreign trade. After all, she has been doing it since she was a child. She is familiar with the industry and has many old customers.

But she has not stopped all these years. She is engaged in foreign trade while going to school. She earns a lot of money. There are also dividends from the company. In addition to the rental of shops and houses she bought before, the annual rent is also a lot, so she She is also a wealthy little lady.

Tang Aiguo and Huo Jinzhi were both planning to go back to China for investment, which inspired Tang Xiaonan. She didn't have enough funds for big investments, but she was fine with small companies. It didn't take much to start a home improvement company. Cheng Xiaowei had skills and connections. The only thing missing is money.

And she happens to be rich, and they complement each other. The home improvement company will definitely make money. This investment is guaranteed to be profitable without any accident.

Besides, she also wanted to help her cousin. The market is changing a lot, and sooner is better than later. When Cheng Xiaowei and her cousin saved enough money, she didn't know it was going to be the Year of the Monkey. At that time, the cakes were distributed by others, and they could only be picked up. Leftovers from others.

It just so happened that she wanted to invest, so she simply chose the future cousin-in-law as the first investment object.

"I'll call Xiaowei now, he must be happy."

Chai Yuxiang didn't want to wait for a minute, and couldn't wait to go out to make a phone call. Cheng Xiaowei was not in the company, and was checking the quality of the decoration at the client's house. After receiving a message from her girlfriend, she quickly called back.

"What's wrong with Yuxiang? Is there a problem with the decoration?"

Cheng Xiaowei thought that there was a problem with the decoration of the flower shop. Chai Yuxiang's flower shop decoration was also designed by him. He must pay attention to his wife's storefront.

"No, I'm telling you good news, you stay steady, great news."

Chai Yuxiang's crisp laughter~www.readwn.com~ came out from the microphone, Cheng Xiaowei couldn't help but smiled knowingly, and there were a lot of smiles on his face. In fact, he didn't particularly like to laugh, because life was too heavy, he really Can't laugh.

But after getting to know Chai Yuxiang, he smiled more and felt that this world is not only black and white, but also colorful. Life is not so heavy, but there is actually happiness.

"What good news?" Cheng Xiaowei asked with a smile, his mood also improved.

"Didn't you always want to start a company to do it alone? Xiao Nan said that she invested in shares, let you eat together, and discussed about starting a company. Let me tell you, my cousin is rich, she just wants to help us, you can share the shares. You can't treat Xiao Nan badly!"

Chai Yuxiang couldn't help sharing the good news with her boyfriend, and she also fought for shares for her cousin.

Cheng Xiaowei's expression was stunned, but he quickly reacted. His mood was like riding a roller coaster, and he rushed to the clouds at once, and his happiness grew exponentially.

Can he really start his own company?

This is really great news.

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