Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1892: money is gone

Tang Xiaonan saw that something was wrong and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Chai Yuxiang put down the phone and said helplessly, "I hung up, and asked me if Xiaowei was the boss. I said no, she was working for someone else. She didn't believe it, so she hung up."

Tang Xiaonan frowned, "How did she know about starting a company, what Cheng Xiaowei said?"

"No, Xiaowei never told his mother about his work. It's strange, how the **** would he know?" Chai Yuxiang couldn't understand.

Cheng's mother is an old lady in a mountain village. She has no clairvoyance. How could she know what happened in Songcheng?

who told her?

"Could it be the sister Li who opened the coffee shop? Does Cheng Xiaowei still have contact with her?" Tang Xiaonan thought of a person.

Sister Li, the owner of the coffee shop who used to have an affair with Cheng Xiaowei, the last time Cheng's mother came to Songcheng, she was also the ghost of this woman.

Chai Yuxiang's brows were furrowed tightly, and she felt dismayed when she heard that Sister Li, but she was sure—

"Xiaowei has long since stopped contacting her, but this woman's coffee shop is still open. I saw her in the shop a few days ago, talking to a young and handsome boy who should work in her shop. , wear the manager's overalls."

Chai Yuxiang actually suspected that Sister Li had an affair with the male store manager. When she was passing by, she saw through the glass door that Sister Li and the man store manager were very close. Definitely not an ordinary boss-subordinate relationship.

Tang Xiaonan was even more certain, "It should be her. You have to tell Cheng Xiaowei about this."


Chai Yuxiang agreed with her mouth, but she didn't intend to say that Cheng Xiaowei was busy with the company these days and was so busy that he was too thin like a spinning top.

She didn't want to bother Cheng Xiaowei with these things, it was just a phone call.

A few days later, Tang Xiaonan didn't go to the store. She went back to Mopan Mountain and received a call from her mother, asking her to go back and try on the red cotton-padded jacket. According to the customs of Yuecheng, when her daughter gets married, the mother must prepare a red cotton-padded jacket. , Wear it on the wedding day, and your life will be prosperous and happy in the future.

Xu Jinfeng made the red cotton jacket and asked Tang Xiaonan to go back and try the size. Tang Xiaonan stayed at home for a few days before returning to Songcheng.

Once back in Songcheng, Tang Xiaonan went to the flower shop. She was bored alone at home, and Chai Yuxiang was still busy, but she seemed relieved to see her. After a while, Tang Xiaonan knew that she felt right, and Chai Yuxiang really had something to do .

"Xiao Nan, you lend me 10,000 yuan to purchase goods, and I will return it to you in a few days."

Chai Yuxiang opened her mouth to borrow money, and once she repaid the loan, it would cost 10,000 yuan. Money is a trivial matter, but the problem is that Chai Yuxiang's business is so good, why is there a difference of 10,000 yuan?


Tang Xiaonan calmly went to the bank to withdraw 10,000 yuan. When Chai Yuxiang came back with the goods, she asked casually, "Where's your money?"

Chai Yuxiang, who was pruning the flower branches, stopped her hands and continued to prune, but her movements became unnatural. Tang Xiaonan watched coldly.

"I received a batch of goods a few days ago, and several companies didn't pay the bills, so I filled in all my money." Chai Yuxiang looked calm on the surface, but she didn't dare to look directly at Tang Xiaonan.

Tang Xiaonan sneered and directly exposed her lies, "Just tell me, who did the money go to? Did it go to Cheng Xiaowei?"

"No, I just can't turn around for a while..."

Chai Yuxiang said hesitantly, and she felt guilty when she saw Shang Tang Xiaonan's cold eyes, so she had to tell the truth, "I gave Cheng Xiaowei a fuck."

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