Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1894: The family of origin is your original sin

Cheng Xiaowei suppressed his anger and said calmly, "I really don't know, but I will resolve this matter. Don't worry, I will definitely handle it before marriage."

He understood what Tang Xiaonan meant, and also understood why she was angry.

A family of origin like him has indeed wronged Chai Yuxiang, so he never thought of letting Chai Yuxiang live with his mother, nor would he let Chai Yuxiang go to his hometown to visit those so-called relatives.

Chai Yuxiang only married him, not his family, and he didn't want to wrong his daughter-in-law.

But it's still embarrassing.

It's that he's not doing well enough.

It's time to be cruel.

"I hope you can handle it well. Maybe what I said is a bit inhumane, but I still want to say that if you can't check and balance your mother and your uncle, even if my cousin marries you, she may be separated in the future. I will To persuade my cousin to divorce, to be honest, your mother is really not a good mother-in-law."

Tang Xiaonan is not polite, and there is no need to be polite. A person like Cheng's mother is not worthy of respect at all, and she is so embarrassed to take 20,000 yuan in the hands of her daughter-in-law who has not been through the door, where is the face?

"Little girl..."

Chai Yuxiang whispered and begged.

"you shut up!"

Tang Xiaonan glared, Chai Yuxiang was so frightened that she immediately shut up and didn't dare to say anything anymore. What she was most afraid of was that her cousin would be angry.

Cheng Xiaowei's voice came from the microphone and sounded exhausted, "Don't blame Yuxiang, it's my fault, I'll deal with this as soon as possible, don't worry, it won't happen again in the future."

"I hope you can do what you say, and I can understand your tired heart, but there is no way. You have a mother like that, and you are different from others. You should be filial to your mother, but you can't be filial. I hope you I can understand."

After Tang Xiaonan said word by word, she hung up the phone. She also sympathized with Cheng Xiaowei, but she was not soft-hearted.

If you don't force Cheng Xiaowei to make a choice now, Chai Yuxiang will get married in the future, and there will be endless troubles. It is better to solve the hidden danger of Cheng's mother as soon as possible.

Chai Yuxiang looked at Tang Xiaonan uneasily, her eyes begging, but Tang Xiaonan ignored her, she is very angry now, and Chai Yuxiang is stupid.

20,000 yuan is a small matter, but this matter cannot have a beginning, otherwise it will never end in the future.

"I won't give it again in the future, I won't give a penny, really, Xiao Nan, you believe me." Chai Yuxiang assured.

Tang Xiaonan sneered, but still ignored it. After a while, it was almost dry, and she said, "Let's see Cheng Xiaowei's performance first."

If Cheng Xiaowei doesn't deal with it this time, she wants to persuade Chai Yuxiang not to get married~www.readwn.com~ Marrying in the past must be endless trouble.

Early the next morning, Cheng Xiaowei called Chai Yuxiang and said that he would go back to his hometown for a period of time, about half a month, and he had already arranged it at the company.

"Don't call me, I will contact you if something happens."

Chai Yuxiang felt uneasy, "You will be fine when you go back, right?"

"Don't worry, nothing will happen, I'll be back in half a month."

Cheng Xiaowei smiled with a relaxed tone, and Chai Yuxiang felt more at ease.

Here, after Cheng Xiaowei hung up the phone, he got on the train directly. He called from the public phone booth at the train station and brought a lot of luggage, both large and small.

After nearly ten hours of bumps, when it was almost dark, Cheng Xiaowei arrived at his hometown, a mountain village with beautiful mountains and clear waters. Cheng's mother was at home alone and was about to have dinner when he saw him coming back with a bunch of luggage, and was shocked.

"I was opened by the company, and I will come back to farm in the future." Cheng Xiaowei said directly, put down his luggage and went to the kitchen to get the tableware, without even looking at Cheng's mother.

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