Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1905: wedding at home

The auspicious days of the zodiac were measured by Xu Jinfeng. The master said that it is the best day for the first three years and the next three years. If you get married on this day, the husband and wife are bound to love each other.

Coaxing Xu Jinfeng into a happy mood, he happily wrapped a super thick red envelope for the master, and he was in a great mood.

She is extremely satisfied with her current living condition. As long as she marries her precious daughter, she will be complete.

Now the eldest couple has a good relationship and gave birth to two grandchildren. The eldest's company is thriving. Although it is not a big business, it is safe to be rich. Xu Jinfeng thinks it is good, and does not require the eldest son to be the big boss.

The second child has a big business, but Xu Jinfeng is actually most worried about Tang Aiguo. This child has a small idea, and eight cows can't pull the decision back. The second daughter-in-law is also a big idea. The two have big ambitions and careers. The heart is also heavy. When you are married, it is the same as if you are not married. Basically, you don’t have a home, and you don’t have children. He also said that the sperm and eggs have been frozen, and they will be born in a few decades.

Xu Jinfeng doesn't understand anymore. In a few decades, he will be old and eighty. Should a baby be born as a son or a grandson?

She didn't give birth when she was young, but she had to wait until she was older. She felt that the second couple was out of their mind, but she had persuaded everything, but the two just didn't listen, and they even rarely returned to their hometown. Xu Jinfeng also thought about it, her children and grandchildren will have their own children and grandchildren, and one generation will take care of one generation.

There is also the third child, who went to play in the M country, and the girl Fangyuan went with her. Xiao Nan said that she was the future daughter-in-law of the third child. Xu Jinfeng felt that her silly third child was a little unworthy of the girl Fangyuan, but the young couple Seeing the right eye, she doesn't care.

The third child is still young and wants to win glory for the country. It is definitely not suitable for marriage. Xu Jinfeng still has the righteousness. The country needs her son to play football. That is the glory of her Tang family. She would go to the screening hall to watch, and then compliment her one by one, not to mention how proud she was.

No one in the village would envy her for her good fortune, and she gave birth to four promising children, but Xu Jinfeng felt that her greatest fortune was Xiao Nan.

It is precisely because of Xiao Nan that her family's life has been better every day, and the three sons have also embarked on the right path, which are all thanks to Xiao Nan.

Tang Xiaonan and Huo Jinzhi drove back to their hometown. Tomorrow they will have their wedding, first in Mopanshan, then in Songcheng, and finally go abroad to the castle to have a fairy tale wedding, which is what they both want. wedding.

Both Mopanshan and Songcheng are what adults want, and Tang Xiaonan and Huo Jinzhi must cooperate.

When the car arrived at the entrance of the village, Tang Xiaonan couldn't help sighing when he saw the brand-new village, "It's changed a lot, so many new houses have been built in only ten years, and it doesn't look like a countryside anymore."

In front of Mopan Mountain, there are new small houses, there are gardens in front of the door, flower beds and street trees on the side of the road, public toilets and some road signs are also built in the village, because reporters and foreigners often come to visit and travel, the village There are also hotels, entertaining foreign customers, as well as some tourists.

"Little sister is back!"

With a loud roar, a group of children rushed out, headed by a boy with a tiger's head and a head. He looked about five or six years old and looked very much like the Tang family, but he was more delicate than the Tang family. Tang Xiaonan recognized it as the eldest brother's son Xiaozhu, In fact, he is only four years old, but he is well nourished and strong, and it looks like he is five or six years old.

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