Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1910: wedding (4) crying marriage

"Xiao Nan, you are married, and you are still the Tang family. You often come back to live..."

Tang Laifu pushed Xu Jinfeng away and talked to his precious daughter by the car window. He had to let Xiao Nan know that he would always be Xiao Nan's backer, and no one would want to bully his daughter.

In recent years, Tang Laifu's career has also developed very well. He has opened a transportation company and has about 30 trucks. He does not drive it himself.

After not killing pigs, Tang Laifu looked a lot with kind eyes and good looks, and the hostility in his body faded. However, he was originally a fierce face, and it was okay to smile. When he didn't smile, he was still the same as before. Kill the pig Tang.

But this man was afraid of killing pig Tang, but now he burst into tears, grabbed the car with both hands, and refused to let the car drive away, making Tang Xiaonan cry.

She really didn't want to cry. She even cried when she saw the bride go out. She couldn't understand it, she thought it was too exaggerated, but now it was her turn, and she realized that the mood at that moment was real will cry.

"Dad, I'm not getting married..."

Tang Xiaonan also pulled the car window and looked at her father with tears in her eyes. The father and daughter were both in tears, and the person watching was speechless. Xu Jinfeng was quite sad, but after hearing Tang Xiaonan's words, she immediately wiped her tears and said again. Pushing Tang Laifu away with a palm, he said decisively, "What nonsense are you talking about, please drive quickly, don't miss the auspicious time."

Huo Jinzhi, who couldn't wait, got his mother-in-law's decree and stepped on the accelerator immediately. The car left the Tang family. Su Wanrou would occasionally come back to stay for a while.

After arriving at Huo's house in a few minutes, Tang Xiaonan's mood also calmed down, her eyes were still red, when she got out of the car, Huo Jinzhi hugged her and said in her ear, "Go back whenever you want in the future. ."


Tang Xiaonan was a little embarrassed. In fact, she had agreed with Huo Jinzhi early in the morning. Even if she got married, she would always live in her parents' house. Of course Huo Jinzhi had no objection. Makes no difference.

A group of children were clamoring for candy in front of Huo's house. Grandma Su gave them a lot, all of which were high-end candies.

Tang Xiaonan blushed, in fact, she didn't want to have a baby too early, she was afraid of pain.

"Can we not have children? It hurts." Tang Xiaonan asked softly, wrinkling her nose.

"Not born."

Huo Jinzhi didn't want to give birth. He didn't want troublesome children to come out to disturb his and Xiaonan's two-person world, and children were the most annoying, and he didn't like children at all.

Tang Xiaonan was in a good mood and sat on the sofa to rest. After a while, the banquet opened, and he had to go to toast. According to the custom, there should be two rounds of wine, the bride's lunch and the groom's dinner. However, the Huo family's situation was special, so the two held it together.

Sultan Qing sat quietly and seldom spoke. Tang Xiaonan noticed that his face was a little pale and his complexion was not very good. He couldn't help frowning and asked with concern, "How is your painting, Dan Qing?"

She still remembered that Sultan Qing and Master went to Tibet to study painting, and it seemed that they were called Thangka. She didn't know the specific situation of this kind of painting, so she would go to check it someday.

Sudan Qing smiled shyly, "Not bad."

After speaking and coughing a few times, Tang Xiaonan felt a bad feeling in her heart, but today was a wedding, so she didn't ask much.

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