Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1918: movie budget

Tang Xiaonan didn't go back to Yuecheng with her. She still had something to do. It was Gu Zhiyan's book that was adapted for filming. After hearing from Gu Zhiyan, the director's fundraising was not smooth, and the filming time was uncertain, so she moved her mind and wanted to invest in this film. .

The reason why she has confidence is because she believes in her own little books.

It is recorded in the small book that Gu Zhiyan will be a very successful playwright, and has written many popular TV dramas and movies. The things recorded in her small book are basically very effective.

I got Director Chen's phone number from Gu Zhiyan. Director Chen happened to be in Songcheng. His father was an old director of the Songcheng Film Studio. He made several very influential films. Talented.

It's just that Chen Qu has not discovered his Bole yet, and he is unhappy. He has made a few movies without any success. It is neither a blockbuster nor an award. Chen Qu is beginning to doubt himself now. Gu Zhiyan's novel is his The last blog, if it is not successful, he will quit this circle and do other things.

In this movie, Chen Qu is going for the box office. Although he doesn't look down on commercial movies, all heroes and heroes have to eat. He can only get investors to invest if he makes movies that make money, otherwise he will not quit the circle. , and no one will give him money to make a movie anymore.

After receiving Tang Xiaonan's call, Chen Qu was a little stunned for a while, and asked who she was?

"I'm Writer Gu's sister-in-law. I want to talk to you about the adaptation of the novel." Tang Xiaonan said politely.

"I only talk to Writer Gu about the novel." Chen Qu's tone was not good.

Most talented people are lofty, and Chen Qu is no exception. At this time, Chen Qu is just about to bow down for five buckets of rice, and he still has the loftiness of a literate person.

"Director Chen, I heard that your film hasn't raised money yet, right?" Tang Xiaonan asked with a smile.

Chen Qu old blushed, embarrassed, and hesitantly said: "The investor has already negotiated, and it will be turned on after a while. What's the matter with you, I'll hang up."

"Director Chen, I just want to invest in the movie..."

Before Tang Xiaonan finished speaking, Chen Qu's excited voice came from the microphone, "How much are you going to invest?"

God, he was so rude to the God of Fortune just now, no, the Princess of the God of Fortune was so rude, I hope the Princess of the God of Fortune will not take offense, he will have to change his temper in the future.

"Let's meet and talk. I'll invite Director Chen to have lunch. There is a Hangbang restaurant called Junyue on Dongchang Road, you know?"

Junyue Restaurant is the chain of restaurants owned by Aunt Yang Lijuan. Dongchang Road is quite close to where Chen Qu lives. Of course, Chen Qu knows that an hour later, a man in his early thirties who was riding an old bicycle looked a bit shabby. , he arrived at the Junyue Restaurant, he was Chen Qu.

Under the leadership of the waiter, Chen Qu arrived in the box, and Tang Xiaonan had already arrived. Seeing that she was a young girl, Chen Qu couldn't help being stunned, and subconsciously felt that Tang Xiaonan was playing with him.

But he was too short of money, so he sat down bravely, thinking that even if he had no money, it would be good to have a meal, and the food at Junyue was quite to his taste.

"Director Chen ordered, and we chatted while eating. My name is Tang Xiaonan, and I'm Writer Gu's sister-in-law."

Tang Xiaonan handed over the menu and took the initiative to introduce herself with sincerity, which also dispelled Chen Qu's suspicions.

After the dishes were served, Tang Xiaonan took the initiative to ask, "What's your budget for this movie?"

Chen Qu thought for a while, then carefully said the foreign number, "One million?"

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