Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1920: Old wine for new bottle

Tang Xiaonan and Huo Jinzhi talked about investing in movies, but Huo Jinzhi didn't take it seriously. The main thing was only 2 million. He really didn't care about it. The pocket money he usually gave Tang Xiaonan was more than that.

"It's fine as long as you're optimistic. Is there enough money? I'll give you some more."

Huo Jinzhi was worried that his daughter-in-law would have no money to spend, but he called the bank and transferred a large sum of money to Tang Xiaonan's card, and said, "Buy what you like, such as bags, jewelry, shoes and clothes, buy more. Don't be reluctant to spend money."

He saw a lot of women in the business who spend a lot of money. Every day a set of clothes is not the same, and the bags they carry are all 100,000 famous brands, although he can't see that those bags have What is different, it is estimated that it is to sell a brand, it is definitely not worth hundreds of thousands.

But this kind of bag is a status symbol, and those men just want to see their women dressed up and bejeweled, so that men have face.

Of course Huo Jinzhi is not so superficial. He just wants his daughter-in-law to be happy, and feels that his daughter-in-law doesn't spend much money. He thinks that it may be that he usually gives too little money, so his daughter-in-law is reluctant to spend.

It's his fault.

Gotta change!

Tang Xiaonan pouted, "I don't like it. I have so many clothes that I can't wear them all. It's a waste to buy so many new ones. I don't like bags, and I'm not interested in jewelry."

She really has no interest in dressing up. There are many clothes in the closet that have not been labeled yet, and she has no interest at all in the so-called famous brands, Hermes, Dior, Chanel, etc. In fact, she is not very interested. .


"Don't we want to keep a low profile and run around with a house. Isn't this attracting robbers? I don't dare."

Tang Xiaonan acted like a spoiled child, Huo Jinzhi was thoughtful, and what his daughter-in-law said was very reasonable. Now the world is not peaceful. Some time ago, a rich man was kidnapped, and the ransom was paid and the ticket was torn.

Really have to be quiet.

"Would you like to find two bodyguards for you?" Huo Jinzhi was worried again and felt that it was necessary to find someone to protect his daughter-in-law.

He is not afraid of himself, he has a kung fu, seven or eight big men can deal with it, but his daughter-in-law is powerless, and he can't keep an eye on it all the time, he still has to find a few bodyguards to protect him.

Tang Xiaonan shook her head like a rattle, "No, no one knows how much money we have, outsiders at most think we are little rich, who will stare at me, I don't want to be followed wherever I go, don't worry, no Something will happen."

After she repeatedly refused, Huo Jinzhi gave up the idea of ​​hiring a bodyguard.

The bidding at the winery went well. A month later, the results came out. Huo Jinzhi and Tang Aiguo successfully bid, and the winery was directly renamed Meirenzui Company, focusing on Meirenzui products. Tang Laigui was still the technical director and was in charge of winemaking. Many old employees have also been recruited, and the workshop has been reorganized, refreshed, and put into production again.

Tang Laigui was only in charge of technology and didn't care about other matters. Huo Jinzhi and Tang Aiguo invited high-level conditioning talents. As soon as the new CEO took office, they lit three fires and changed the packaging. The slender-necked porcelain vase looks like the neck of a beauty. The porcelain vase is very beautiful. It can also be used as a vase after drinking, and it is also very beautiful to display at home.

In addition, the TV station vigorously inserted advertisements. In less than a month, the famous name of Meirenzui became a household name, and Meirenzui was already quite well-known locally in Z province. Now it has been replaced with new packaging and re-produced. Many people are interested. As soon as a wave of products hit the market, they were snapped up.

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