Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1930: Another down-and-out director

After the meal, Chen Qu left happily. He was going to contact the actors. With Tang Xiaonan's affirmative answer, his crew would be organized.

Gu Zhiyan hesitated: "Xiao Nan, the script is really well written, but isn't it too literary? This kind of movie usually doesn't sell well at the box office."

Tang Xiaonan pursed her lips and smiled: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, this movie will definitely make money, and it will make our company famous at home and abroad!"

She also winked playfully at Gu Zhiyan, her little book had never been at fault.

Gu Zhiyan also thought of Tang Xiaonan's skills, so she put down her heart and continued to read the script. The more she read, the more she felt ashamed. This female writer's writing was so good, she felt that every word had a soul, and when she read the novel, it was automatically formed in her mind. A picture scroll is like a movie.

"People's writing is so good, no wonder she is so famous, if I have half of her writing, I will be satisfied."

Gu Zhiyan read more than ten pages, and covered the script with love, ready to go home and read it carefully. This kind of good book is worth spending time reading.

"Sister-in-law, your writing is also very good, don't underestimate yourself." Tang Xiaonan comforted.

Gu Zhiyan smiled and didn't take it seriously. The sister-in-law was from her own perspective, so she naturally felt that she wrote well, but she knew very well that she really couldn't compare to this Xiangjiang female writer, and the gap was too great.

The company will be registered soon, and the movie dividends are just in hand. The registered company is more than enough, and there are still many left. Moreover, the overseas box office has not been counted, and there will be a steady stream of dividends in the future. Ordinary people only rely on the dividends of this movie to achieve financial freedom.

Chen Qu's crew has also started, and the actors are carefully selected. Tang Xiaonan is very satisfied, because basically the original cast members, she believes that the film will be a great success.

There was still some money left in the company's account. Tang Xiaonan decided to invest in another commercial film. Chen Qu introduced her to a Hong Kong director named Gao Fei. Chen Qu's situation back then was very similar, even more deplorable.

After all, no matter how down and down Chen Qu was at that time, there was still a job in a film studio, and there was an old father who was the director of the factory. This Gao Fei really had nothing and could only afford the cheapest room. (A rental house unique to Xiangjiang, a house is divided into a dozen small rooms, like a pigeon coop).

And if Gao Fei can't find any more investment, he can't even rent a house, he can only go to sleep in the park, and he can't even buy an air ticket to Songcheng to see Tang Xiaonan. It was sponsored by Chen Qu. It's just so miserable.

We still met at the Junyue Restaurant, Tang Xiaonan was the host, invited Gao Fei to dinner, and Chen Qu also accompanied him. Gao Fei's Mandarin was not bad, but he was still stumbling. Hearing that Tang Xiaonan was very difficult, he simply asked him to speak English directly. Fei is a highly educated person and should be able to speak English.

Sure enough, Gao Fei breathed a sigh of relief, spoke fluent English, and introduced the script he was optimistic about.

"I'll read the script first, and I'll give you an answer in three days. Mr. Gao had a good time in Songcheng these three days. I'll ask someone to be a tour guide for Mr. Gao."

Tang Xiaonan said politely, in fact, the three days were just an excuse. She had already decided to invest. She didn't understand the script, but she knew the name Gao Fei, and it appeared in her small book.

Those who can leave a place in her small books will definitely not be unknown, and they will definitely be worth investing in.

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