Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1933: one more nephew

Goofy stammered out a number, "Two... two million?"

He was afraid that he would be disgusted by Tang Xiaonan if he talked too much, so he tried to report as little as possible. Two million saving points is enough, mainly because of the actors' remuneration. .

Xiangjiang has a very mature studio, just get some props. The gimmick of this movie is mainly in the plot and shooting techniques, and the rest is not important.

"Well, I'll invest 2.5 million for you. If the box office of the movie exceeds the budget, I'll give you a 5% dividend, just like Director Chen, how about that?" Tang Xiaonan said.

Gao Fei nodded vigorously with joy, 2.5 million is very generous, and he will be able to operate from time to time.

Tang Xiaonan said again: "I know that the filming speed in Xiangjiang is very fast. How long will it take you to make this film?"

"Two months at most, but I need some time to find actors in the early stage, three months is enough." Gao Fei is very confident.

The movies on the Hong Kong side are basically finished products in one month, faster in one week. After one month, investors will have opinions. It is his first time to make a movie, and it is a new theme. It is conservatively estimated that it will take three months. .

Tang Xiaonan was also a little surprised. He had long heard that the director of Xiangjiang was a genius. The filming was fast and the quality was good, and it really is.

Chen Qu also said: "After you finish filming, I will negotiate with the inland side to see if it can be screened in the inland, but I think it's a bit difficult, the limit level is very strict."

"It's definitely not possible in the inland. We don't make inland money, but overseas and Xiangjiang money. I will find a relationship." Tang Xiaonan said.

Her second sister-in-law, Ai Xiang, is half a person in the entertainment industry. She interviewed a lot of Hong Kong bigwigs in her talk show, including those in the film industry. In addition, Tang Aiguo also had contacts with these bigwigs, as did Huo Jinzhi. It shouldn't be hard to find a relationship.

After everything was settled, Gao Fei was completely relieved, took a long sigh, and happily returned to Xiangjiang to prepare.

A month later, Tang Xiaonan received more than 10 million yuan, which was a dividend at the overseas box office. Chen Qu's big heroine movie also received a good response overseas. The box office was very impressive, and Tang Xiaonan made a lot of money again.

She also directly invested this money in making movies. The 1990s was the golden age of movies. Very good movies came out during this time, especially in Hong Kong, which is called the Hollywood of the East. In recent years, countless movies have emerged. Excellent movie, she has to seize this opportunity.

Time flies, Gao Fei's movie is about to premiere, Tang Xiaonan and Huo Jinzhi both went to Xiangjiang, one is to visit the newborn nephew, Ai Xiang gave birth to a big fat boy a month ago, just out of the moon Son, just in time for the premiere, Xu Jinfeng has already gone to Xiangjiang to take care of Aixiang Yuezi, she is the happiest, and the things that have been hanging in my heart for many years are finally at ease.

Ai Xiang also attended the premiere, as well as Tang Aiguo. She still looks puffy, but she is still beautiful and has a bit more motherly charm. As soon as she arrives at the premiere hall, Ai Xiang greets many movie people and is very familiar with her. network.

Gao Fei was very nervous, rubbing his hands nervously all the time, worried that the movie would not pass, but after the movie started, he calmed down, life and death just ended, anyway, there were only two results, life and death.

Nothing to worry about.

The name of the movie is red with blood, and it looks like blood splattered, but it doesn't look uncomfortable. Instead, it has a special beauty. This is what Tang Xiaonan felt. She only saw the title of the movie, and she was more interested in this movie. With some confidence, Goofy does have a few brushes.

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