Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1938: Likely to win

Another wave of nausea came up, and she also brought acid water. Tang Xiaonan hurried to the bathroom, spit out the acid water, and then rinsed her mouth. She felt better, but her chest was still stuffy, which was especially uncomfortable.

She looked in the mirror, her face was really not very good, and she couldn't help frowning. The nausea this time was not at all like the bad stomach she had eaten before, and her body has been well maintained over the years, and she also pays attention to what she eats. abdomen.

Did it really win?

But every time you take safety measures, Tang Xiaonan can absolutely guarantee this. No matter how anxious Huo Jinzhi is, he will still take measures. How could he win the lottery?

Ai Xiang also came in, patted her back lightly, and asked with concern, "How long has it been since you had your period, Xiao Nan?"

Tang Xiaonan was stunned for a moment, recalling the time of her aunt last time, her heart sank, it seemed to be more than ten days, but her aunt often delayed, sometimes a week, but never more than ten days. , her heart sank more.

If she was really pregnant, wouldn't she have to raise the child early?

She's not ready to be a mother yet!

What if a cub dies?

Tang Xiaonan couldn't help but panic and felt uneasy, and secretly prayed that she would not win the lottery, otherwise she would kill Huo Jinzhi because of this guy.

Looking at her expression, Ai Xiang knew that nine out of ten times it was delayed, and she knew it in her heart. She smiled and said, "I'll accompany you to the hospital for a checkup later."

"No, second sister-in-law, you are very busy. I don't think it is possible. Just wait."

Tang Xiaonan subconsciously refused to go to the hospital, so she pretended to be an ostrich. As long as the results were not found, she could pretend that she was not pregnant.

Ai Xiang smiled and shook her head, fully understanding the little sister-in-law's mood, because she used to think like this too, she was particularly repulsive of having children, and she felt that she was not a good mother, but after the unexpected arrival of the child, her thoughts changed.

This is the crystallization of the love between her and Tang Aiguo, the continuation of their lives, and the child is so cute, she just hugged involuntarily with all kinds of tenderness, and even thought about giving up the hot program and returning to the family Be a stay-at-home mom.

If Tang Aiguo hadn't persuaded her, she might have done this, but she has calmed down now. It is definitely not realistic to be a full-time mother. Women need their own careers, so as to ensure personal independence, economic freedom, and progress together with their husbands , to cope with any unexpected events in life with ease.

"Xiao Nan, if it's really pregnant, it wouldn't exist if you didn't escape, do you still want to get rid of it?"

"of course not."

Tang Xiaonan shook her head without hesitation, she couldn't have a miscarriage.

One is that it hurts women too much, and the other is disrespecting Huo Jinzhi. After all, this little life has half of him. Huo Jinzhi will definitely not agree, and she doesn't want to.

Ai Xiang smiled gratified, and persuaded: "If you come here, you should go to the hospital to check. Even if it is a gastrointestinal problem, if you are uncomfortable like this, you have to take some medicine."

Tang Xiaonan was persuaded by her, and nodded obediently, but she was still in a queasy mood. She had a very bad premonition that she might have really won the lottery this time!

Ai Xiang went out and explained the follow-up work with the assistant, and then drove Tang Xiaonan to a private hospital she knew well. The doctor and her were friends, and the acquaintance was easy to handle, and many procedures were saved.

Tang Xiaonan went to pick up the urine and sat outside anxiously waiting for the result.

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