Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1945: Daily worries of pregnant women

Tang Xiaonan's examinations were all done in Songcheng, a private hospital with the world's top equipment. Of course, the price was not cheap. Huo Jinzhi didn't care about the money, he just wanted his daughter-in-law to get the best care.

Of course, there are no relevant regulations in private hospitals, and doctors know very well that from families like Tang Xiaonan and the others, they are not so stubborn about having boys and girls. Instead, some poor people are more concerned about the gender of their children.

So at four months, the doctor told Tang Xiaonan the gender of their child, and even pointed out the little guy's little bird to them. That's right, Tang Xiaonan was pregnant with a boy.

Huo Jinzhi was very happy, it was exactly what he wanted, Tang Xiaonan was a little disappointed, but she was not so entangled, whether it was a son or a daughter, it was her baby, as long as she was healthy and her IQ was normal.

But Tang Xiaonan just didn't tell Xu Jinfeng to listen, and deliberately swayed her appetite, who made Xu Jinfeng "preference for sons over daughters".

Time passed quickly. Tang Xiaonan was almost nine months pregnant. Her belly was so high that she was struggling to walk. She had cramps several times at night, and the pain caused her face to deform. Fortunately, Huo Jinzhi slept lightly. When I woke up with a cramp, I massaged her in time, and it wasn't that uncomfortable.

And the older the month, the more times she wakes up at night. Sometimes she has to wake up five or six times a night. Her belly is big and her body is heavy, making it very inconvenient to get up. Huo Jinzhi helped her up.

When she came together like this, Huo Jinzhi couldn't sleep well, and he had to get up five or six times with her. Besides, Tang Xiaonan had a good sleep quality. After getting up, he fell asleep, but Huo Jinzhi couldn't sleep anymore.

In the last month, Tang Xiaonan was flushed with conditioning, but Huo Jinzhi lost a few pounds, and the dark circles under her eyes became three layers of color. Tang Xiaonan felt distressed, and she was more eager to unload the goods. If she continued to toss like this, she would be fine. Huo Jinzhi was afraid that he would not be able to hold on anymore.

Nine months have passed, and there is still half a month before the due date. Tang Xiaonan is getting more and more nervous. She takes a walk every day and follows the doctor's instructions to exercise more, so that the delivery can be smoother.

"Husband, what if I can't give birth?"

Before going to bed every night, Tang Xiaonan had to worry and ask every day, she was afraid of dystocia, afraid of the amniotic fluid plug, I heard that this thing is a small chance of death, but it doesn't mean that there is no, what if she has a bad luck?

Bah Bah Bah, good luck!

Tang Xiaonan silently recited Amitabha Buddha and begged all the bodhisattvas to bless her with a smooth delivery. She has not had enough of a good life yet.

"Impossible, I'll drag him out if he can't give birth, don't worry!" Huo Jinzhi comforted his daughter-in-law gently, staring at Tang Xiaonan's belly full of resentment, with two panda eyes with bloodshot eyes.

This little **** has tossed him and his daughter-in-law like this before he came out. After he is born, he will definitely teach him a lesson. Bamboo shoots and fried meat are indispensable.

"Brother, our son should be good-looking, right? He won't be a fool, will he?"

Tang Xiaonan was still worried, and asked these naive questions every day, Huo Jinzhi answered patiently, "I'm sure he won't be a fool, he'll look good too, don't worry."

"Will there be more or less?"

"Of course not, sleep at ease, with me, nothing will happen."

"There shouldn't be any psychological problems, right? What if our son likes men in the future? Brother, we have to teach him that he can only like women since he was a child."

Huo Jinzhi twitched the corners of his mouth, very helpless, he really wanted to pry open his daughter-in-law's head to see, what was it pretending to be?

How can there be such a ridiculous idea?

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