Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1949: ?? Confinement

Tang Xiaonan gave birth naturally, and was discharged after only three days of recuperation in the hospital. She was confinement in Songcheng, and Xu Jinfeng and Su Wanrou took care of her together.

The little guy is very easy to carry. He doesn't cry or make trouble. He will cry a few times when he is hungry, and pee and pee. He doesn't need to hold him. He slept soundly on the bed. The best baby.

"Much better than your mother, your mother had to hold her to sleep when she was a child. She fell asleep with her in her arms, and woke up as soon as she touched the bed. The torment made me and your grandfather unable to sleep. What a nuisance!"

Xu Jinfeng tapped on the tip of his grandson's nose. The kindness on his face was almost overflowing. Maybe it was really from his heart. In recent years, the Tang family has lived a prosperous life and everything went smoothly. Xu Jinfeng used to have a fierce face, but now It became more and more kind.

The same goes for Tang Laifu, his hostility has become less and less, and he has become kind-hearted. The children in the village are no longer afraid of him, and they dare to ask for candy when they see him.

Tang Xiaonan was lying on the bed. It was the tenth day of her confinement. She and Huo Jinzhi were discussing the importance of bathing. Xu Jinfeng took care of her daughter according to the traditional method of confinement. She was not allowed to take a bath, wash her hair, or brush her teeth. , let alone go out to blow dry, and you have to wrap your head at home. Fortunately, it's a lukewarm spring. If it's June, Tang Xiaonan can't stand it for a day.

But now she still can't stand it. She hasn't washed her hair for ten days, and she feels that her body is sour, and she can't smell it.

"It's not sour, it's very fragrant." Huo Jinzhi coaxed against his conscience.

In fact, Tang Xiaonan's body did smell a bit, but he felt that it was nothing, the daughter-in-law's body was the most important.

"I smelled it myself. It stinks to death. I want to take a bath. I don't care, I want to take a bath." Tang Xiaonan is acting like a scoundrel, and there are still 20 days left. If she doesn't take a bath, she really can't stand it.

"Good, be obedient, Mom said no..."

"This is feudal thinking. The doctor said it's ok. Let's listen to the doctor or my mother? Huo Jinzhi, help me find a way, anyway, I'm going to take a bath!" Tang Xiaonan's face was sullen, she had to take a bath today.

Huo Jin's expression was helpless, so he had to give in and called his aunt Yang Lijuan and asked her to help Xu Jinfeng go out for a shopping trip. Su Wanrou was the only one left to handle it. His mother's ears were soft, and three good words could make sense. .

Of course Yang Lijuan was willing to help, and she successfully asked Xu Jinfeng out, and Su Wanrou was really good at talking. As soon as Tang Xiaonan acted like a spoiled child, she agreed, but asked Huo Jinzhi to boil water and wait for it to cool before washing.

"It must be boiled, otherwise there will be bacteria!"

Su Wanrou helped to boil the water, and when the water finally cooled down, Tang Xiaonan finally successfully took a shower, feeling that all the 360 ​​pores on her body were comfortable.

She didn't dare to wash for too long. Xu Jinfeng would come back at any time. After washing her hair and drying her body, she washed the dirt off her body. Then she went to bed comfortably for confinement. Xu Jinfeng didn't have any suspicions when she came back. Gotta be clean.

The month of confinement finally came to an end. During this period, Tang Xiaonan took three baths, all of which were done secretly. She was raised to be chubby and fat, and the grief was bigger than twenty pounds of meat.

She gained twenty pounds.

Before giving birth, it was 92 pounds, now it is 112 pounds, and my chin has become three.

However, Tang Xiaonan didn't dare to talk about losing weight. She is breastfeeding and has to ensure the nutrition of the child.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, the little guy is half a year old.

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