Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1957: $100 million land claim

Tang Xiaonan was also taken aback. A claim of 100 million US dollars is equivalent to more than 800 million yuan. If this lawsuit is won, it will be a sensation all over the world. lawsuit.

Most importantly, no lawyer dared to take the case.

Fangyuan doesn't need to find a lawyer, she is the best lawyer herself, she is going to fight this lawsuit herself, and she must win it.

Yu Duoduo came to M country quickly, dropped his doctoral dissertation, and rushed over as soon as possible.

"Sister Fangyuan, leave it to me if you have anything, you must win, let these **** foreigners take a good look at the majesty of our Dahua Kingdom, if you are a jerk, not only will you lose money, but you will also get the **** who drives indiscriminately. Sent to prison for reformation..."

The flamboyant Yu Duoduo got off the plane and didn't even lose the jet lag, and immediately went to work, and also greeted the rich second-generation ancestor, the eighteenth generation, and exploded the country's scolding.

Dr. Yu Duoduo hasn't graduated yet. It's not that she is incompetent, but that her ability is too strong. The tutor is reluctant to let her graduate, and wants her to stay by her side for more time and help with more work. Although Yu Duoduo is impatient, she can You can't disobey the tutor's orders, you can only help the tutor honestly, and strive for the tutor's satisfaction to let her go earlier.

"How is your paper?" Fang Yuan asked with concern.

"Don't worry, it was my tutor who asked me to come here. The tutor said that he has a few friends abroad, and he can ask them for help if necessary." Yu Duoduo said proudly.

When the tutor heard that he was fighting a lawsuit for Tang Aijun, he sent her over without saying a word, and said that if he didn't win the lawsuit, he would never graduate. Of course, Yu Duoduo knew that the tutor was trying to scare her, but even if the tutor didn't say anything, She is also determined to win the lawsuit and show off the prestige of the great country.

Yu Duoduo said again: "I came first, Xiao Yang and Xiao Zhu are behind, and they will arrive in two days. Don't worry, Sister Fang Yuan, with us here, the lawsuit will definitely be won."

The Xiao Yang and Xiao Zhu she mentioned are her doctoral classmates who are also studying abroad. Because they have something to do, they came a few days later. The same is true of a few others who don’t usually contact each other, but when they hear Fang Yuan, they want to help Tang Aijun took the initiative to find Yu Duoduo and asked for help.

The second generation of the super rich is a top chaebol family, and he must have the top legal team under his command. Therefore, this lawsuit is actually not that easy. Many people in the industry are not optimistic, thinking that 9 out of 10 people will lose.

After all, country M is notoriously shameless and looks down on the Chinese. Money will be paid, but not so much.

Two days later, the others arrived one after another, and a team of lawyers was temporarily formed. Fang Yuan was the main defense, and Yu Duoduo and the others were responsible for finding information and evidence. They were so busy every day that they couldn't even eat.

Tang Xiaonan couldn't help with professional things, so she found Chen Ye. This guy is now doing well in the local area, and Shi Ping is willing to help. Within three days, the rich second generation named Marcus owns the property. All the information about him has come out, including his itinerary on the day of the accident, as well as the surveillance video of Tang Aijun and the police being bumped into.

The people of the Marcus family had already bought the local police station and wanted to destroy the surveillance video, but Chen Ye acted faster and got it first. With this key video, the lawsuit will be a little more certain.

Huo Jinzhi and Tang Aiguo were not idle either. They were investigating Marcus' family and found something interesting.

"Marcus is an abandoned son of the family. He has a brother who is the heir of the family. The relationship between the brothers is very good, but the business of the Marcus family has been very bad these years, and it has been losing money for several years. The compensation of 100 million US dollars The amount is a bit difficult for them, and they need to sell the company's shares to pay." Chen Ye said with a smile.

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