Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1959: Watch the game live

The lawyer guessed right, these people were indeed hired by Huo Jinzhi. These days, money is easy to do, and fifty dollars a day can make many people willing to come to the police station to demonstrate.

Huo Jinzhi just didn't want Marcus to come out, Tang Aijun was still treating his injuries, why should this **** come out to enjoy it?

He had to stay inside all the time, and he also had to find a few 'gentle, kind and fraternal' people to go in and take good care of this bastard.

These people are easy to find, and Chen Ye will arrange them, which will definitely make Marcus cry.

The lawsuit on the M country's side is not so fast. This case is a criminal case, and it will take at least half a year. Fang Yuan is ready for a long-term battle, and Tang Aijun's injury recovery is relatively smooth.

Dr. Liu prepared the medicine and gave Tang Aijun a daily acupuncture and moxibustion massage. He recovered very quickly. Tang Aijun was already able to get out of bed and start rehabilitating. At this rate, he might still be able to catch up with the training.

Tang Aijun, who was in despair at first, rekindled hope. He cooperated with Doctor Liu every day. No matter how painful it was, he didn't snort. He just wanted to get well soon and fight with his teammates.

Day by day, like a flying shuttle, Tang Aijun had only rehabilitated for a month before he went to the training camp. Dr. Liu also accompanied him. After all, Tang Aijun had not fully recovered from his injuries.

"I can only do my best to obey the destiny. In fact, it is best not to play anymore. If I get injured again, I can't guarantee that I will be cured."

The World Championship athletes were about to enter the field ahead of schedule. Doctor Liu warned Tang Aijun that he hoped that he could restrain himself properly, not to play too selflessly, forgetting that he is now half-crippled, and that injured leg can't bear the trauma.

Tang Aijun smiled and didn't say anything, but he had already made up his mind that even if he lost his leg, he and his brothers would reach the quarterfinals together.

Huaguo fell behind to 14th in the last world competition. He wants to win glory for the country, and he has never been stronger than now.

This World Championship was held in Goose Country, Tang Xiaonan and his family went to the scene, Xu Jinfeng and Tang Laifu went, as well as Tang Baishan and Zhang Manyue, Tang Aijun played so many games, this was the first time their family went to the scene come on.

Also the last time.

"The third child will be fine, right?" Zhang Manyue was worried.

The old lady's body is quite tough~www.readwn.com~ Her face is red and her hair has turned a lot of white, but she is still in good spirits.

Tang Baishan was the same, and he didn't seem to have changed much, except that there were more wrinkles on his face and he walked slower.

"It's definitely going to be alright, Xiao Nan said that the third child will be fine, don't worry, Mom." Xu Jinfeng said loudly in Zhang Manyue's ear, the old lady's ears were not very sensitive, and she couldn't hear if she didn't speak loudly.

Zhang Manyue was relieved, "Xiao Nan said it was fine. Watching the game, where is the third child?"

The old lady opened her eyes wide and tried to find her grandson on the field, but she saw that these people all looked alike, and she couldn't see it for a long time. Tang Xiaonan handed her grandma a telescope and taught her how to use it. The old lady was very Soon I learned it, and I saw my grandson through the binoculars. He was so happy that his mouth was widened without several big teeth, and he shouted, "I saw the Aijun, standing there, my youngest is the most handsome."

"Where, I saw it too, or my family's Aijun is the most handsome, I can recognize it at a glance." Xu Jinfeng said with a smile.

Tang Xiaonan twitched the corners of her mouth. Is your own son, unrecognizable at first glance, still your own mother?

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