Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1973: Yuanbao is gone


Yuanbao made a faint sound, and there was a whirring sound of blocked trachea. It was so old that it became difficult to even breathe, and its hair became dry and lacked a bit of luster.

But in Tang Xiaonan's heart, it was still the majestic ingot, running around on the Tiantou hillside of Mopan Mountain, and even catching a hare home and letting Xu Jinfeng cook it. Ingot doesn't like to eat raw meat. In the rich era, Yuanbao caught a lot of hares on the mountain to improve the food for the Tang family. In fact, it only ate some bones, but it was very satisfied.

"Yuanbao, are you feeling bad? I'll touch you."

Tang Xiaonan stroked gently, her voice choked, even if she knew this day would come, but it really came, she still couldn't accept it, Yuanbao's hair was a little rough to touch, it squinted slightly, enjoying the master's last touch .

It knows that it is about to go to another world, but it is still reluctant to bear its masters.

Daju was also nestled at Huo Dong's feet, motionless, Yuanbao raised a paw and put it on Tang Xiaonan's face, sticking it reluctantly, Tang Xiaonan's tears streamed down.

"Yuanbao, I miss you..."

Huo Dong cried the saddest. He hugged Yuanbao and Daju and kept crying, "Don't go... woo... don't go, okay?"

Huo Jinzhi hugged his daughter-in-law and son, he was also very uncomfortable, his eyes were red, but he was more rational, knowing that birth, old age, sickness and death are the natural laws, they will send the old people away in the future, and Huo Dong will also send him and the little ones away.囡.

"Yuanbao is going to heaven. It will be a human in its lifetime, and maybe even become friends with you. You should be happy for Yuanbao." Huo Jinzhi comforted.

"But I can't recognize Yuanbao... Will it make friends with others?" Huo Dong sobbed and asked.

"No, Yuanbao will definitely come to you."

Huo Jinzhi actually just wanted the little guy not to be too sad. He deliberately said these words to comfort the little guy. This was also his good wish. He hoped that Yuanbao would be reborn as a human in the next life, not a dog who can't speak.

There are also big oranges, let's all be human.

Yuanbao's turbid eyes lit up, like a candle that was about to go out, it suddenly lit up, then disappeared in a flash, and soon went dark, and the paw that was attached to Tang Xiaonan's face slowly fell.


Tang Xiaonan called out softly, Yuanbao did not respond, tilted her head, and fell asleep quietly.


Tang Xiaonan cried out again~www.readwn.com~ with trembling hands, she put her hands on Yuanbao's nose. She didn't breathe. Her Yuanbao really went away, and her tears suddenly came out like a flood of tears. She hugged Yuanbao tightly. I burst into tears, feeling like I was about to suffocate.

In her heart, Yuanbao is not just a pet. Just like her family, she has been with her for nineteen years. Her nineteen years are Yuanbao's life. Yuanbao is accompanying her with her life!

Tang Xiaonan was very regretful. She regretted not spending more time with Yuanbao, and she often went out. She didn't know how uncomfortable it would be if Yuanbao couldn't see her.

Huo Dong opened his mouth wide and cried very sadly. The mother and son cried louder than the other. Huo Jinzhi sighed, and he felt very sad.

"Big orange... don't go..."

Huo Dong picked up Daju, crying and begging, Daju gently licked his face, his eyes were reluctant, but he couldn't hold it any longer.

Tang Xiaonan noticed that something was wrong with Daju. Daju was eighteen years old and very old. Could it be that she is going to lose two partners today?

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