Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1980: Differential treatment from mother

Yang Lijuan smiled embarrassingly, a little embarrassed, but she really liked Tang Laijin, and being nice to him was a habit she developed over the years. Tang Xiaonan's second child.

"When are you and Jinzhi going to have a second child, Xiaonan? Xiaodong is three years old. It's time to have it. It's just about time."

"She doesn't want to give birth, just one word is enough, my saliva is dry." Xu Jinfeng said angrily.

Yang Lijuan persuaded: "Why don't you have children, it's not that our family can't afford it, it's not that we can't have children, we have to have more children if we have this condition, otherwise, your family will care about such a big family business, and Xiaodong will take care of more by himself. Tired, have more brothers and sisters, it would be great to have discussions between sisters, don’t be confused, little girl.”

"I've said this hundreds of times, but she can't listen!"

Xu Jinfeng said coolly again, and couldn't help rolling her eyes at Tang Xiaonan. Since Tang Xiaonan said she didn't want to have a second child, she was no longer a precious girl in Xu Jinfeng's heart, but a dead girl.

Tang Xiaonan quietly took out the inspection sheet from her bag and handed it to Yang Lijuan proudly, without speaking, the facts were used for eloquence.

Yang Lijuan took a few glances and said with joy, "You're pregnant, little girl? Oh...why didn't you tell me earlier, your mother kept talking to me for a long time, you're a dead girl, you're like this when you enter the house. For a long time, I was silent."

Xu Jinfeng was stunned for a while, snatched the inspection sheet from her hand, and after seeing the results below, she was instantly ecstatic, she tapped on Tang Xiaonan's head, and said angrily, "Don't tell me if you have it, you dead girl. , is there any discomfort? What do you want to eat?"

Tang Xiaonan was amused. Xu Jinfeng was angry with her a while ago, and she hadn't asked her what she wanted to eat for a long time. Sometimes she wanted to eat something, and she told Xu Jinfeng that the answer was whether she liked it or not, but she could only let her son say it. , in order to mix some food.

Now this attitude has changed, it is really...

"If I want to eat spring rolls, I want stuffed cabbage and meat." Tang Xiaonan begged for food generously, and finally could enjoy the meticulous care of her own mother. Thinking of this, pregnancy is actually not bad.

"Sure, Mom will do it for you."

Xu Jinfeng is very talkative, as long as she gives birth to a grandson, she can eat whatever she wants.

Yang Lijuan also went to help, the sister-in-law is all quick, one is making the skin, the other is mixing stuffing, and soon a lot of spring rolls are wrapped, and then fried in the pot, the golden and fragrant spring rolls are ready, served on a white plate, It looks mouthwatering.

Tang Xiaonan happened to be hungry, and ate five or six in a row. Xu Jinfeng and Yang Lijuan didn't eat it. It was very gratifying to watch her eat.

"I think Xiaonan's baby is a girl. I didn't eat anything when I was pregnant with Xiaodong. Now my appetite is so good, it's very similar to when I was pregnant with Ailing." Yang Lijuan said with a smile.

"The girl is very good, my daughter is young, and I don't like girls, and Wanrou is the same, just talking about wanting a granddaughter." Xu Jinfeng also laughed.

Yang Lijuan asked in surprise, "Didn't Wanrou give birth to a daughter by herself? It seems to be called Mingzhu? She's a pretty girl."

"It's called Mingzhu, and she's very beautiful, she looks very Wanrou, but you don't know that this girl is not at all girly, she fights more ruthlessly than men, she has high kung fu, ten men can't beat her, and she has a tough temper. Very, I don't like wearing skirts or tying my hair, she doesn't like what the girl likes, and Wanrou is so sad."

Xu Jinfeng shook her head as she spoke, Ye Mingzhu had lived at home several times, and her temperament was very cold. When adults, they liked soft-hearted girls, just like when Xiaonan was a child, they were liked by people, but Ye Mingzhu was completely different and didn't like them. She speaks and seldom smiles. She is a very assertive girl. To be honest, if it is not the child of a good friend, Xu Jinfeng would not like girls with this kind of character.

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