Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1983: Are you back?

After ten days in the hospital, Tang Xiaonan still didn't move. On the fifteenth day, she had a dream at night, dreaming of Yuanbao and Daju, ran towards her and threw herself into her arms...

Early the next morning, she started having a seizure, and the pain was so painful that she could not speak.

The doctor is also on call at all times. If the delivery does not go well, he will be transferred to a caesarean section, but this pregnancy went surprisingly smoothly. It only took less than an hour before and after two births. The younger brother came out five minutes later than the older brother. Both brothers are very healthy. .

"My brother is four pounds and six taels, and my brother is four pounds and two taels. Very healthy!"

The doctor took out the two brothers, and the people who were guarding outside coaxed them around, looking at the twin brothers curiously.

"Our family is still giving birth to twins. Hey, why don't these two brothers look alike?" Tang Laijin was very puzzled after seeing his brother.

The two brothers are really not alike. The elder brother is more like Tang Xiaonan, with a delicate round face, and the younger brother is more like Huo Jinzhi.

"Who said twins have to look alike, many of them don't look alike, get out of the way, don't block me!"

Yang Lijuan pushed her husband away and looked at the little fellows in a rarity.

Because they are twins, the Tang family has a lot of guests these days. They all come to see the brothers. Even Huo Xiu has come here a few times. Maybe this guy is really old and his temperament has changed a lot. Keeping one's own footing, and buying some gifts for grandson from time to time, is not as annoying as before.

There is also Mr. Huo, who likes twins very much, and wanted to name the two brothers, but Huo Jinzhi refuted them.

"I have already chosen the names. The second child is called Huonan, and the third child is called Huo Xi."

What a good name, if there is another fourth child, it will be called Huo Bei, and they are all gathered together.

Because they were twins, Tang Xiaonan had a double confinement. After two months, she finally got out of the confinement. She took a bath and felt comfortable all over her body. Under the careful care of Xu Jinfeng, the two brothers were raised in vain. Chubby.

"Xiao Nan, Xiao Xi, let mother hug."

Tang Xiaonan first picked up her brother Huonan. The little guy grew very fast, and he weighed several pounds in just two months.

"Mom kiss..."

Tang Xiaonan leaned on the little guy's face and kissed softly. It was full of milky fragrance. Several kisses were not enough. Then he kissed his younger brother, Huo Xi, and the two brothers were giggling and dancing. I like Tang Xiaonan kissing them very much.


Tang Xiaonan played with her son, and suddenly saw the gray-brown birthmark on the inner left thigh of Xiaonan. The oval shape was a little bigger and the color was very light.


Tang Xiaonan cried out excitedly. Huo Jinzhi, who was calling from the study upstairs, hung up immediately and rushed down like the wind, "What's wrong?"

"Look, the birthmark on Xiaonan's leg."

Tang Xiaonan couldn't hold back his excitement, his hands trembled, and he pointed at the birthmark on the inner left thigh of Xiaonan, because the little guy is very fleshy, especially in the thigh, this birthmark is pale in color, it's really hard to find.

It was the first time that Huo Jinzhi saw it. He looked closer and his face changed. This birthmark was all too familiar.

"Is it familiar?" Tang Xiaonan's voice trembled.

She seemed to have thought of something, so she hurried to check the third child, Huoxi, and went straight to his chest. Sure enough, she saw a crescent-shaped mark there. Tang Xiaonan couldn't control it any longer, and tears flowed.

"Is it you? Right, are you back?" Tang Xiaonan asked in a trembling voice.

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