Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1985: Another 3 years passed by in a hurry

Tang Xiaonan didn't argue with her mother. Anyway, she decided that Xiaonan and Xiaoxi were the reincarnations of Yuanbao and Daju. In the afternoon, when Huo Dong came back from school, Tang Xiaonan happily told him the good news, but Huo Dong was very calm and looked like a fool look at her.

"Mom, they are Yuanbao and Daju, I said it long ago."

Huo Dong looked at his mother with a bit of hatred. He felt that his memory was getting worse and worse recently. He had said it so many times, but why couldn't his mother remember it?

Tang Xiaonan was stunned for a moment, and then she remembered that it seemed that the eldest son had been talking about this all the time, but she only regarded it as a childish language, thinking that the eldest son missed his partner too much, so he would say such a statement, but she didn't expect it to be real.

"Xiaodong, how did you know that Yuanbao and Daju would come back?"

Tang Xiaonan was very curious, is there a telepathy between them?

"Yuanbao and Daju told me in their dreams that I will be their eldest brother in the future, and I will take care of them."

Huo Dong puffed out his small chest and touched his two younger brothers' faces lightly. His eyes were very kind. When he was a child, Yuanbao and Daju played with him. Now he is the eldest brother and will take good care of his younger brother.

Tang Xiaonan smiled gratified and touched his round head, "Xiaodong is the best big brother, right?"

"Well, I'm the best!"

Huo Dong's chest was straighter, and his face was full of pride. Isn't he the best.

When Huo Nan and Huo Xi were reincarnated, the Tang family didn't quite believe it. Brothers Tang Aijun and Tang Aiguo thought their sister was whimsical, but they, like Xu Jinfeng, didn't fight with her sister, as long as Tang Xiaonan was happy, anyway It came out of my sister's belly, and it was the nephew of their direct relative, so naturally it would be a pain.

The child grows up very fast, and time flies much faster. It seems that the brothers have just been born. Three years have passed in the blink of an eye. Huo Dong is six years old, and Huo Nan and Huo Xi are also three years old. Twins, but very different in appearance.

Huonan is honest and cute, has a good temper, and has the style of a big brother, while Huo Xi is arrogant and careful, and has a bad temper. He always bullies his brother Huonan, but if someone bullies his brother, the little guy will protect him more than anyone else. Calf, fights are also terrible.

However, both brothers are very afraid of their eldest brother Huo Dong, and their father Huo Jinzhi, who are very good in front of Huo Jinzhi, especially the little overlord Huo Xi, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, just afraid that the elder brother and his father will hear Huo Jinzhi. The sound of Jinzhi's footsteps was immediately honest.

The three brothers have a very good relationship. They are inseparable, and they have to squeeze into the same bed to sleep. They can't be separated. They obviously have their own rooms, but the three brothers just want to squeeze together, and Tang Xiaonan will follow them.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter. It is the hottest month of the year in August. Tang Xiaonan is too lazy to go out. She sits at home and blows the air conditioner every day.

Nineteen-year-old Ye Mingzhu was admitted to Songcheng Medical University. It was reported in September that she came to stay for a few days in August and played with her three little nephews. The aunt and nephew have a good relationship and often talk on the phone, which is strange to say. Ye Mingzhu ignores everyone, but she is very patient with her three nephews, and she is very kind.

Tang Xiaonan drove to the airport by herself. She seldom drives, and it is also a short distance in the city, and the speed is very slow. Huo Jinzhi is worried that she is driving on the road and wants to hire a driver for her. Tang Xiaonan did not agree. Take a taxi.

Before leaving, Tang Xiaonan received a strange call from the snowy area. She felt a little stunned in her heart.

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