Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 1987: Ye Mingzhu

Xu Jinfeng and Su Wanrou have to talk on the phone almost every day. They can talk about the three Huo Dong brothers and trivial matters of life. They can talk for half an hour even when they cook a pot of soup. They have a good relationship.

If Xu Jinfeng knew about Sultan Qing, she would definitely not be able to hide her sincerity, Su Wanrou would know, and as soon as Su Wanrou knew, Grandma Su and the others would know.

"I know, I won't say it. I'm going to pick up Mingzhu. You and Danqing have a good talk about her plane today." Tang Xiaonan advised.

I was afraid that Huo Jinzhi would explode his temper and train the poor child of Sudan Qing, this child is already poor enough.


Huo Jinzhi responded. He must have said it well. If it doesn't make sense, then use force. Such a big person can't even take care of his body, so he just needs to be scolded.

Tang Xiaonan hung up the phone, stood there in a daze, a black dog came over, first sniffed her hand, and then slammed her head hard, as if to comfort her.

The black dog is also called Yuanbao. The puppy brought from Yang Lijuan's house three years ago is a very smart German Shepherd. His body is black, but his four paws are white, and his feet are like snow. It is very beautiful.

Tang Xiaonan also named her Yuanbao. No matter what kind of dog she raises in the future, she will call her Yuanbao, but there is no dog that can take the place of Big Yuanbao in her heart.

"Mom is fine, darling."

Tang Xiaonan patted Yuanbao's head and was about to go to the airport to pick up Ye Mingzhu. When Xu Jinfeng came over and saw that she was still at home, she made a big fuss, "Why haven't you picked up Mingzhu yet? Wanrou also asked if Mingzhu had arrived, you are so rude, hurry up and pick him up."

"The flight hasn't arrived yet, what are you in a hurry?"

Tang Xiaonan rolled her eyes, her mother is impatient, no matter what she does, she can't wait to start a day earlier. This is also the case with school when I was a child. I woke them up before dawn, and hurriedly told them to go to school. It was still dark outside. Yes.

"I'd rather go earlier, in case there is a traffic jam." Xu Jinfeng replied, urging her to go out.

Tang Xiaonan changed her flat heels and drove out. She was in a really bad mood. Thinking of Sudan Qing's illness, her heart was heavy, like a heavy stone.

After waiting at the airport for about ten minutes, I received Ye Mingzhu. Ye Mingzhu grew up more and more delicate and beautiful. She was a young version of Su Wanrou, with eyebrows, eyes and facial features like her mother.

But Ye Mingzhu has a strong personality, is very assertive, and has a very cold temperament. At first glance, she looks like Su Wanrou, but after a long time, she will feel that this girl is not like Su Wanrou.

One is a delicate orchid in the greenhouse, and Ye Mingzhu is a snow lotus on the mountain, standing proudly in the cold wind despite the severe cold.


Ye Mingzhu waved her hand, her voice was as cold as hers, she was tall, at least 170, slender, wearing a black T-shirt, denim shorts, and sneakers on her feet. This girl never paid attention to her appearance. Sportswear all year round.

And she only carried one bag, not even a suitcase, so light as if she came out to visit.

"Why don't you bring a suitcase? Didn't you bring winter clothes?" Tang Xiaonan asked with a smile.

She actually admires this girl's cool character. What's wrong with being cold and arrogant? Ye Mingzhu has arrogant capital, has a good family background, is beautiful, and is so good, like a princess. Who is arrogant?

Moreover, Ye Mingzhu is only indifferent to unfamiliar people. If it is someone she cares about, she is actually very caring. For example, the three little things in her family have a good relationship with her aunt.

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