Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2006: the dust settles

After a pleasant lunch at the Baijia, Huo Jinzhi and Tang Xiaonan said their goodbyes and left, and the gift was naturally left behind. It was an oil painting that Huo Jinzhi had auctioned abroad. It is said to be a famous abstract artist in Europe. Works of the painter.

Huo Jinzhi didn't understand painting, he had never heard of the artist, and he didn't buy this painting. He never invested in art because he didn't understand art.

He never invests in industries that he does not understand, and he is afraid of losing money.

He took this painting from Tang Aiguo. Tang Aiguo likes to be arty and literate. He participates in some art auctions from time to time. He has a collection of paintings at home. Huo Jinzhi thinks that they are all waste paper. Nine will lose money.

But the result was beyond his expectations. For the first time, he was mistaken. Although more than half of Tang Aiguo's paintings did not appreciate in value, the remaining half made money, and he made a lot of money.

Later, Huo Jinzhi humbly asked his second uncle for advice. He also wanted to make some money on the artwork, and Tang Aiguo said something that made him a little bit sick-

"I don't understand either. Anyway, just buy it blindly. Anyone who makes me lucky can make money by blindly buying."

Huo Jinzhi believed the second brother's words, it is very likely that the blind cat ran into the dead mouse, and making money actually depends on luck. pretty good.

But Huo Jinzhi still didn't invest in art. First, he made enough money. Second, he didn't want to go against the principle and invest in industries that he didn't understand.

Father Bai still knew Western painters very well. After only a few minutes of appreciation, he knew that the painting was genuine, and the price was high. Moreover, the painter's reputation was getting bigger and bigger, which meant the value of the painting. Higher and higher.

"This painting can't be collected, it's too precious."

Father Bai is embarrassed to accept such an expensive gift. The current market price of this painting is at least 20,000 to 30,000 US dollars, and it may be higher in the future. To receive such an expensive gift at the first meeting will appear that they are too white. excuse me.

"Uncle, you are a person who knows goods, and you can only find this painting. For a layman like me, this painting is like waste paper. This painting was also given by my friend. Or leave it to your uncle, you are more suitable, do you think that is the reason?"

Huo Jinzhi was tongue-in-cheek and pushed the painting back again. Father Bai really liked the painting. After being polite a few times, he finally accepted the painting and planned to send a painting of his own to him after a while. Huo Jinzhi.

Although his paintings are not too valuable, they are still valuable in the market. Now a painting can be sold for more than ten or two hundred thousand yuan, but he has not sold a painting for a long time, and most of them are given to wealthy businessmen friends. , Of course, it is not a free gift. These wealthy businessmen are very polite. They will send back some more valuable gifts instead of cash.

Like car jewelry, etc., Father Bai also accepted it. This is a courtesy exchange. He is not happy if he doesn't accept it. After accepting it, he can continue to make friends.

The circle of friends of adults is full of such an elegant copper smell.

Sultan Qing was still a little reluctant, Huo Jinzhi dragged him out, looking at his silly appearance, Bai Wei couldn't help laughing, and sent them out of the yard, and even flirted with Sultan Qing, and secretly sent a surprise.

"Next time, I'll ask my grandmother, my uncle, and the others to invite my uncle and aunt to dinner. I'll contact you by phone." Huo Jinzhi said with a smile.

"Okay, wait for your call."

Father Bai agreed, which means that he agreed to the marriage of his daughter and Sultan Qing, and was ready to discuss marriage matters with the elders of the Su family.

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