"What's wrong with you? You're screaming all the time, nobody has a name or a surname? Wasn't there enough trouble yesterday?" Tang Laifu also became angry, let go of Tang Xiaonan, and confronted Xu Jinfeng.

"She seduced my man, what is it? She seduced you into a fascination. Today, I will deliver meat, and tomorrow will I move the house? Tang Laifu, you black-hearted son of a bitch, my mother is living frugally at home, But you moved things from the house to feed the old friend, do you still have a conscience, I will chop you a black-hearted ghost!"

The more Xu Jinfeng scolded, the more aggrieved, he was about to slash when he raised the knife. Tang Xiaonan was so frightened that he rushed over and hugged Xu Jinfeng's arm tightly. He was almost hit by the sharp knife. , but Tang Xiaonan rushed over, but it really scared them.

Tang Xiaonan was also frightened. The knife had just slashed past her head, and she felt the chill. She had already realized how desperate the pig was before it died.

She didn't dare to move, because she was afraid that she would fall off her head when she moved her head. She was not sure if her head was still stuck around her neck when she cut her head just now. The head won't fall off immediately, people can still talk, and they don't know the pain, because the brain's response is not so fast.

If Tang Xiaonan was really a six-year-old soul, her reaction would definitely not be that big. The child is a bear gall, and she is not afraid of the sky and the earth, but she is the coward of an adult. How could her small body withstand the shock of that moment? Thinking and fainting.

"Little nan, don't scare mom, wake up, my nan..."

Xu Jinfeng was the first to react. She threw the knife and hugged Tang Xiaonan tightly. Seeing her stunned expression, her eyes did not turn, her little face was as pale as a wooden man.

"Cry ass, I told you not to play with knives in front of the children. If you don't listen, if there is something wrong with Xiao Nan, I will chop you up!"

Tang Laifu picked up his daughter and ran towards Tang Baishan. His father must have a solution.

"If Xiao Nan is not good, I... I won't live anymore... Xiao Nan, don't scare mom, she won't chop your father again..."

Xu Jinfeng followed behind and cried, and the three brothers followed closely with a solemn expression. They had already put this account on Huang Fengxian's head. If it weren't for this sassy cousin, their parents would not have quarreled to the point of using a knife. There will be no accident, it's all the fault of the ****, wait for them, you can't spare that slut!

Tang Baishan had just returned home, and before his **** was hot, he heard the eldest daughter-in-law's wailing and wolf howling, and then the door was kicked open, and the eldest son rushed in with a hurried roar with his little granddaughter in his arms.

"Father, look at Xiao Nan!"

"What happened to Xiao Nan? It wasn't all right just now."

Tang Baishan was taken aback. The granddaughter, who was still alive and kicking before, is now lifeless, as if she has lost her soul. Could it be that she has hit a ghost?

"Jinfeng slashed at me with a knife, Xiaonan was frightened." Tang Laifu glared at Xu Jinfeng who wiped away tears, and the stinky lady knew that she was making a fool of herself with a knife.

"Playing the piano, what are you doing with knives in front of the children? The children are not fully developed, and they can't be frightened. I don't know? I've lived in vain for more than 40 years, and I'll show it to Xiao Nan!"

Tang Baishan scolded his son and daughter-in-law badly, Xu Jinfeng choked and said, "I will never use a knife in front of Xiaonan again."

"I can't do it in front of others, what does it look like when women and Dao people are constantly hacking and slashing!" Tang Baishan reprimanded.



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