Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2009: a house is a must

It turns out that Father Bai likes calligraphy, so he often gets involved in the calligraphy circle. Grandpa Su happens to be a veteran of this circle, and his calligraphy skills are quite high. Father Bai has consulted him a few times in private, and his personal friendship is quite good.

"This world is really small, and they are all relatives, Xiaobai, don't worry, Weiwei will definitely feel at ease when she comes to our house, you don't need to live with her in-laws, they live alone, and we adults don't care about them. There is only one thing, give us a great-grandson, you don't know, the old man and I both dream of having a great-grandson."

Grandma Su said with a smile, with full sincerity. Now that she is old, she thinks about many things.

She is not too harsh on her daughter-in-law, and naturally she will not have too many demands on her granddaughter-in-law. As long as she gives her a great-grandson, she doesn't care about what the young couple likes to do.

Chang Dahong is not happy anymore. She also thought about the addiction of being a mother-in-law. Since she married into the Su family, she has been under the control of the old woman. She has never been a family, and now she has finally managed to become a mother-in-law. Of course she had enough fun.

But when the old woman opened her mouth, she killed her thoughts. Chang Dahong was naturally unhappy and wanted to express her mother-in-law's thoughts. She just opened her mouth, and Grandma Su glared at her, her cold eyes like knives. , Chang Dahong's back froze, and she honestly shut her mouth, not even daring to fart.

The aggrieved Chang Dahong pursed her lips, thinking Xiao Jiujiu in her heart, hum, she must live longer than the old woman, the old woman can't control her for the rest of her life, and when her daughter-in-law gets married, her mother-in-law should be able to put on a show, who can say Come out without a word?

Grandma Su saw through the careful thoughts of her daughter-in-law at a glance. Isn't she just trying to show her mother-in-law's profile, her brain is really stupid, and she doesn't care about the conditions of Bai Wei's family. Her parents are university professors, and she has a good career. The conditions are much better than their Su family. It is a low marriage to marry into the Su family. What kind of pedigree is this stupid thing?

Fortunately, her body is still healthy, and with her being suppressed, this stupid thing doesn't dare to be a demon.

The two families had a very pleasant conversation and the atmosphere was very relaxed. The two families had a very unified opinion on the matter of having a child, and both hoped that Bai Wei would have a child sooner.

"I'm not too young. I'm in my thirties. If I don't give birth, I will be an advanced mother. No matter what, I have to give birth to at least one child. A home with children is like a home. A home without children is without fireworks." Bai Mu Said softly.

Father Bai couldn't help nodding, he actually wanted to hug his grandson.

Bai Wei and Sultan Qing both blushed and bowed their heads shyly. In fact, no need for adults to say, they also want to have a cute baby. Human cubs are so cute when they are young, and they can play for a long time when they are born.

The two happily reached an agreement and decided to have a wedding party in the second half of the year.

"Dan Qing bought a house by himself. It's on Huaihai Road. It's quite large, with 120 square meters. It was renovated last year. The couple can live there." Grandma Su said about her own situation. A house is a must, which is the basic premise of starting a family and starting a business.

In fact, Sudan Qing has two houses, which Tang Xiaonan helped him buy. In recent years, Sudan Qing has made some money selling paintings, so Tang Xiaonan persuaded him to buy a house. There are two houses in total, one is rented out, and the other is decorated and lived in.

Bai Wei's parents were quite surprised. They didn't expect to have their own house, and the area was not small. They had planned to pay some money to let the young couple buy a suite.

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