Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2013: Business cooperation

Father Bai used to be very lofty and thought that painting was a very sacred thing and should not be mixed with the smell of copper, but now his mind has changed.

They were all stimulated by the painters who came to the fore.

Obviously his qualifications are not as old as his, and his painting level is not as high as his, but after being packaged and promoted, his fame and wealth are much more than his.

The most irritating thing is that once he was on a TV show with another famous young painter. The content of the show was related to painting. Father Bai was a guest, and another painter was also a guest.

This painter is younger than Father Bai, and has only become prosperous in recent years. Five years ago, he was a poor painter. He specialized in painting commercial paintings for some galleries. The price is a few hundred yuan a piece, and the gallery allows you to paint whatever you want. What to paint, can not have their own creative ideas.

Painting commercial paintings is the job that all painters despise the most, but it is also helpless. In order to fill their stomachs, they can only succumb to money.

This painter was very lucky. He met Tang Aiguo and held an exhibition in Tang Aiguo's gallery. After packaging and publicity, he suddenly became famous and became a famous young painter. He also established a studio and accepted apprentices. Songcheng bought a house and a car, and lived a life of the highest.

But Father Bai still looked down on this young painter, because he felt that this person was not as good at painting as he was, and the fact was that, his qualifications were also his old age. .

But after appearing on the show, Father Bai was hit hard. The young painter did not ignore him at all, nor did the TV station ignore him. He greeted the young painter warmly throughout the whole process, and most of the shots were given to the young painter. The father was very angry, and after watching the TV program, he found that his footage was pitiful. He clearly said a lot of opinions, but the TV station cut them all.

What the young painter said was all nonsense, but he let it out. Father Bai was so angry that he didn't eat for three days, and his stomach was full of gas, so he went to a Chinese medicine doctor for acupuncture and moxibustion.

After experiencing this stimulation, Father Bai secretly made up his mind to hold an art exhibition in Tang Aiguo's gallery. Unfortunately, his dream was beautiful, but the reality was cruel. He didn't even have a chance to talk to Tang Aiguo. .

Now the huge pie fell in front of him automatically. Father Bai's surprise was bigger than the pie. He had already thought about it. When the art exhibition is held, those colleagues who usually look down on him will be shocked and their eyes will fall. .

If those people knew again, he and the famous Tang Aiguo became relatives, and I was afraid that the eyeballs would have to fall back.

Thinking of this, Father Bai couldn't stop laughing so hard that he couldn't see his eyes, completely forgetting the artist's restraint.

Huo Jinzhi said with a smile: "You just need to prepare the paintings for the exhibition. When the time comes, someone in the gallery will contact you. You can just contact them."

"Okay, Xiao Huo, thank you so much."

Father Bai nodded again and again, and was sincerely grateful to Huo Jinzhi. Of course he didn't believe Huo Jinzhi's words. How could Tang Aiguo take the initiative to ask him to hold an art exhibition? credit.

"What are you thanking, it's all from my own family, you're welcome, and it's also your uncle that's good at painting. If you can't paint well, even if I mention it, my uncle-in-law won't agree. He won't let a painter who can't paint well. Smashed his gallery sign."

Huo Jinzhi was also very sincere, which made Father Bai even more grateful, and even felt guilty, because he had opposed his daughter's being with Sudan Qing before, and also put his face on Huo Jinzhi, which was too rude.

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