Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2019: easy-to-satisfy kids

"You idiot!"

Tang Xiaonan kissed Xiaonan on the face, it took a long time to pull out her feet, and then she moved Xiaoxi over. As for Xiaonan, she didn't move, even if she moved over, the little guy would still spin to the other end. The second child is a top.

"Mom...it doesn't hurt...huhu..."

Xiao Nan began to babble again, and what she said made Tang Xiaonan's eyes red. Her second child was so caring and sensible, like a little padded jacket.

"Baby, mommy loves you."

Tang Xiaonan kissed Xiaonan's face, and then went to kiss the eldest and the third. She couldn't be partial, the three children had to be treated equally, but sometimes she couldn't help but hurt the second child more, so she had to be more Be careful, don't let the eldest and the third have grudges in their hearts, which will affect the children's psychological growth.

Closing the door gently, Tang Xiaonan went back to the bedroom. Huo Jinzhi had already washed up and was waiting for her. He said with a smile, "I haven't eaten vegetarian food in Jing'an Temple for a long time. Let's eat tomorrow."

"Okay, I haven't seen Master Minghui for a long time." Tang Xiaonan readily agreed.

The husband and wife looked at each other and smiled, tacitly, and did not express each other's worries.

The next day, Tang Xiaonan got up very early and went to the kitchen to make porridge. She was not very good at cooking, but she could still cook simple meals, but she seldom did it.

The cooking aunt at home also got up. Seeing that the hostess was doing it herself, she came in to help.

"Let's make some siumai, Xiaonan likes to eat them, and then make some pot stickers, the boss and Xiaoxi like to eat them." Tang Xiaonan instructed.


Auntie responded. She was the cooking aunt specially invited by Tang Xiaonan. Not only did she cook well, but she also cooked well in the morning. Her movements were also very quick. The three meals a day at home were basically cooked by this auntie.

Of course, Tang Xiaonan's salary is also high, twice as high as the market price, and there are red envelopes on New Year's and holidays, so although she lives a little more, her aunt is very happy. willing.

When Xu Jinfeng and the others got up, Tang Xiaonan and Auntie had already made breakfast. She only boiled preserved eggs and lean meat. Auntie wrapped siomai and made potstickers. The two plates were full. After the three brothers washed up, they saw them. Favorite food, eyes are sparkling.

"It smells so good, thank you mom, thank you auntie."

The three brothers thanked them politely, sat well, and their bodies were straight. If they bent a little, Huo Jinzhi would look at him coldly. Dining etiquette should be cultivated since he was a child. Huo Xiu taught him this way when he was a child. .

Although Huo Xiu is unreliable, he is reliable in this respect. He has taught him a lot of etiquette, and the good habits he has developed since childhood have been integrated into his bones, so even if he has spent several years in Mopanshan, he is hungry and cold. In the days of coercion, he did not dare to forget etiquette. When dealing with people in the upper circles, this good etiquette habit helped him a lot.

On the contrary, Tang Aiguo, because no one taught him since he was a child, so some habits are not very good. When dealing with those people in the upper circle, he was ridiculed a lot. Tang Aiguo was so angry that he paid a lot of money to hire a master of etiquette to teach him all kinds of things. After learning etiquette for a year, Tang Aiguo's whole person has a new look, and he has never made a mistake since then. People who don't know think he is a son of a noble family.


Xiao Nan nibbled at it with relish. He liked to eat it the most, but it was impossible for him to eat it every day at home, which made the little guy a little regretful, but he was satisfied with so many simmered wheat today.

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