Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2021: will turn the corner

"Master, I saw a Buddha statue yesterday. It was a reincarnated living Buddha in the snowy area. After seeing it, I felt restless and burst into tears. After returning home, I had a dream."

Tang Xiaonan said calmly, Master Minghui always smiled slightly, and his expression did not fluctuate, which made Tang Xiaonan feel calmer.

"Tell me about the dream." Master Minghui said slowly.

Tang Xiaonan glanced at Huo Jinzhi, hesitated for a while, but still said, "I dreamed of another world, my appearance and identity are different, my parents are not the current parents, I am not married, and I have no children. , there is a completely different me."

Huo Jinzhi frowned slightly. He had doubts before, but now that he heard this, he was even more convinced that his suspicions were right. It was after the wrestling that Xiao Nan's temperament changed greatly.

From the unruly and unreasonable little girl to the sensible and lovely Tang Xiaonan, the three brothers of the Tang family also gradually changed their temper under her guidance. It was him who benefited the most. It can be said that Tang Xiaonan is the noble person who changed his life.

Over the years, Huo Jinzhi often thinks about the past, and the more he thinks about it, the more doubtful he becomes. He suspects that Tang Xiaonan is not the Tang Xiaonan from before. That fall might change the soul in Tang Xiaonan's body. Otherwise, how can he explain Tang Xiaonan's prophecies from time to time?

He didn't believe in the reincarnation of the gods. He felt that it was more reliable that Tang Xiaonan from another world replaced the original Tang Xiaonan. Now he is more certain.

But no matter what, he would never let Tang Xiaonan leave. He came to this world, became his daughter-in-law, and was his son's mother. Naturally, he had to accompany him. Even if he fought against God, he would not let go.

"What else?" Master Minghui asked gently.

Tang Xiaonan's mood became more and more calm, and she said that voice, "A voice is telling me that I have changed the trajectory of this world and that I have to pay a price. He said it many times, and I asked him what the price was. He didn't answer either, Master, did he mean my life?"

"Impossible, don't think about it!"

Huo Jinzhi said sternly, and held Tang Xiaonan's hand tightly. At that moment, he had a suffocation feeling that his heart was being squeezed tightly. He couldn't even imagine how he would live if Xiaonan was gone. ?

He definitely won't survive.

Tang Xiaonan patted his hand lightly and comforted: "I'm just guessing, it's just a dream, don't you say it's okay?"

"Of course nothing will happen, it's just a nightmare. The dream is the opposite, which means that nothing will happen to you." Huo Jinzhi said with certainty, and was trying to convince himself.

Surely nothing will happen.

He and Xiao Nan want to be a long-lasting couple. Xiao Nan will live a hundred years and he will live a hundred and a month.

Let Xiaonan go first, so that he can properly handle Xiaonan's funeral, and then go to find Xiaonan. If he leaves first, he is afraid that Xiaonan will suffer a lot. How could he be willing?

"Master, is there any premonition in this dream of mine?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

Master Minghui recited the Buddha's name, and then said: "Don't think too much, you can be at ease as soon as you come. I said many years ago that if you want to take root in this world, you have to have children with your lover, and you have done it. , so don't worry, Tang donor, even if there are some twists and turns, it will definitely turn the corner, and there will be good results."

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