Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2023: 90th birthday

"I must go back, isn't Grandpa only eighty-nine this year?" Tang Xiaonan asked.

Xu Jinfeng glared angrily, "At eighty-nine, you have to celebrate your birthday. Your father said that you will invite the troupe to sing a three-day drama, and you will also have a three-day flowing water banquet, and invite the whole village to drink."

"Which troupe did Dad invite? Are you ready?"

"What else could it be? It must be a troupe in the county seat. It costs a lot of money to sing for three days." Xu Jinfeng replied.

Tang Xiaonan frowned, feeling that the troupe in the county town was not lively enough, so she said, "I'll find a way to invite the troupe, and let Dad not invite him, he will just be busy with the banquet."

She wanted to invite a troupe from Songcheng. The theater business has been sluggish in recent years, and the troupe policy has been liberalized a lot. Actors are allowed to pick up their own work, as long as they don't affect the theater performance.

Therefore, many famous actors who could only be seen in theaters in the past are now appearing on the stage of commercial performances. In a word, as long as the money is in place, everything can be done easily.

She has no shortage of money. Tang Baishan's 90th birthday must be lively and lively. If you don't invite him, you must be the best troupe to make the old man happy.

Besides, her grandma loves listening to operas. Every time she comes to Songcheng, she has to go to the theater to listen to a play. Now she invites those famous actors to sing at home, so that grandma can listen to enough.

"Which troupe did you hire?" Xu Jinfeng asked.

"Songcheng, don't you and grandma both like to listen to it? I invite them to sing at home. You can order whatever you want. One time is enough!" Tang Xiaonan said with a smile.

Xu Jinfeng was immediately moved. She also loves listening to dramas, especially the famous actors of Songcheng Theater. Her level is not average. She sings really well. Be more energetic.

Just thinking about it made Xu Jinfeng proud, but thinking about the cost, she felt distressed again.

"The troupe in Songcheng is definitely expensive, but the one in the county seat is better."

Xu Jinfeng felt distressed about banknotes. Even though her family was no longer short of money, she was still not used to spending money lavishly.

"Your son-in-law and son can make money. What are you worried about, Mom? Don't worry about this, and don't need you to pay for the banknotes. You should go home and help my dad hold the banquet."

"I'll be back tomorrow, Xiaodong and Xiaonan and Xiaoxi, you have to take good care of them, don't lose weight!"

Xu Jinfeng can't bear to live with her grandson and grandson. She often stays with Tang Xiaonan for a few days, and then goes to the eldest and the second for a few days. The grandson and grandson are both so attractive, much cuter than Tang Laifu in her hometown.

"I know, I'm a real mother."

Tang Xiaonan was a little speechless. Does she look so unreliable?

Early the next morning, Xu Jinfeng was sent back to his hometown by the driver. Tang Baishan's birthday was half a month later, and Tang Xiaonan was also busy to invite the troupe. Songcheng Theater made a face when she heard that she was going to perform in the countryside. But when he heard the price that Tang Xiaonan offered, the theater leader's smile was sweeter than honey, and he agreed, and let Tang Xiaonan pick a role.

"As long as it's a role in our theater, you can choose whatever you want." The leader's attitude is flattering. This is the big sponsor and deserves his respect.

"Several famous characters are arranged, don't worry, they will definitely not be treated badly in terms of remuneration. As long as my grandfather's birthday is lively and happy, money is not a problem." Tang Xiaonan also put on the air, and it was the uncle who paid the money, especially In front of some snobs, the shelf must be placed.

"Cheng, you have a hundred hearts, you will definitely satisfy the old man!"

The theater leader made a guarantee that if this sum is paid, the theater may make a lot of money, and the annual bonus will also be quite large.

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