Dressed As the Apex of the Villain

Chapter 2027: Fu has distant relatives in the mountains

Xu Jinfeng is also a lover of gold jewelry, including gold chains, gold bracelets, and gold rings and gold earrings. She kept at least one box, and said that she would use it as a family heirloom. After a hundred years, she would distribute it among her three daughters-in-law and Tang Xiaonan. .

Tang Xiaonan helped put on the gold bracelet. The size was just right. Zhang Manyue stretched out her hand and looked at it happily. The more she looked, the more satisfied she became.

"It's still my grandma's beautiful hands that look good when they wear them."

Tang Xiaonan smiled and flattered, coaxing the old lady's eyes into a smile. She didn't want to take off the bracelet, so she just wore it, and she was going to show off in front of relatives and guests in a while.

"Auntie, I have one too, yours is bigger than mine."

Xu Jinfeng also stretched out her hand, and the same bracelets were exposed. In fact, they were two identical bracelets. She just wanted to make the old lady happy. Zhang Manyue's eyes were dim and she couldn't see too closely. When I was happy, I thought to myself that my granddaughter was filial, and I remembered her when I bought the bracelet.

The others followed suit with a few compliments. Zhang Manyue was so coaxed that she burst into tears. The amount of laughter added up in a year was not as much as it is today. After a while, a guest came over, and Zhang Manyue and Xu Jinfeng went there together. Greetings, the official wine will be held the day after tomorrow, but some guests are business partners who have come from afar and have to arrange to stay at the hotel in the village.

Here are the relatives of Zhang Manyue and Xu Jinfeng and their parents, who came a few days in advance, and some are the descendants of Tang Baishan's sisters who married to other villages. His sisters are gone, and his nephews and nieces are also old. The children came over to celebrate their birthdays.

There are also some relatives who can't be beaten by eight poles, and they have also rushed over at this time. Some of them are not even famous for Zhang Manyue. They have to introduce themselves to remember them.

Like a few relatives who came here just now, Zhang Manyue couldn't be named, and squinted for a long time and didn't recognize it, the other party was an aunt who was in her fifties or sixties, and smiled flatterly: "Auntie, my mother is from Uncle Baishan. Cousin, the one who married in Tonglou Village, my mother used to talk about Uncle Baishan, who also ate at my wedding banquet."

The aunt introduced her origins, and it is indeed a relationship that has nothing to do with it. Her mother and Tang Baishan are not cousins ​​and younger brothers. Moved.

As for this aunt, Zhang Manyue didn't even know her, and she hadn't moved around for decades, but she suddenly appeared today. She was a guest, so of course she had to give her a warm reception.

"I think about it, hurry up and sit in the room. It's really hard for you guys to have a heart. Come all the way here."

Zhang Manyue greeted with a smile, the aunt didn't come alone, she also brought her family, her man, and her three sons and daughters-in-law, a mighty large group.

"This is a little bit of my heart. I wish Uncle Baishan a blessing like the East China Sea, and a long life like Nanshan!"

Aunt took out a red envelope from her pocket and gave it to Zhang Manyue.

Zhang Manyue glanced lightly, the smile on his face faded a little, and he brought his family over, and the family got a table and only sealed a red envelope. news, she invited each other.

"This time, my family doesn't charge any money for wine, and everyone doesn't charge it. Take it back."

Zhang Manyue pushed back the red envelope, revealing the golden bracelet on his wrist, **** so wide, and with fine patterns, the aunt's eyes were straight, and she envied: "Auntie, your bracelet is really big, why don't you? Less money?"

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