"Tang Xiaonan is that woman, now, the one in the white sweater and jeans, have you seen it?" A guest was very enthusiastic and pointed it out to Wang Hai's family.

This guest is the woman who talked to Tang Xiaonan before. Her name is Wang Chunhua. She married a Tang family in Mopanshan. She and Tang Xiaonan's family have already had five outfits, and she doesn't usually move around much.

The reason why Wang Chunhua has an opinion on Tang Xiaonan's family is because she works in a garment factory, but her work speed is slow and the quality is not good. One eye closed, trying to fool around.

It has been fooled for several years, but one time, Tang Laijin went to the workshop to inspect and saw Wang Chunhua stepping on a sewing machine. Although Tang Laijin could not step on a sewing machine, he could read it, and the quality could be seen at a glance.

Tang Laijin casually looked at some of the clothes that Wang Chunhua made. The unqualified rate was 50%, half passed and half unqualified. Tang Laijin got angry all of a sudden, and called the workshop director directly to ask questions.

As a result, it was found out what Wang Chunhua has done over the years. Many of the unqualified clothes she made have been reworked, but the people who reworked were not her, but non-local employees. Wang Chunhua's wages and bonuses were not affected. The employees can only eat Huanglian dumbly, and they can't tell if they are suffering. Who makes them not locals?

After Tang Laijin found out this, he immediately held a meeting to fire Wang Chunhua in front of the entire factory, and the quality inspector who was covering her up, that is, Wang Chunhua's relative, even if Wang Chunhua's parents-in-law came to intercede, it wouldn't work, and they were fired directly.

Tang Huang's brand can't be smashed in the hands of these **** relatives.

After that, Wang Chunhua could only go to work in some small garment factories. The wages and benefits were not as good as Tang Huang’s. She also had to work overtime. When he went to Tang Laijin, he even hated the Tang family. He felt that the Tang family was ruthless and inhumane.

Hearing that Wang Hai and the others were inquiring about Tang Xiaonan, Wang Chunhua sensitively sensed some malicious intentions, so she enthusiastically pointed to Tang Xiaonan, who was talking to someone not far away, and told them.

"Have you seen those three children? They are Tang Xiaonan's three sons. They look good. They are the big bosses of Songcheng, and they have billions of dollars in their family." Wang Chunhua said deliberately.

Wang Hai and the others were immediately shocked, and their eyes became even more envious. They silently counted how much billions were in their hearts. They can't spend even dozens of lifetimes.

Tang Xiaonan felt that someone was looking at this side, so he turned his head and looked over, only to see a group of black guests, and then turned his head again, the second child Xiaonan jumped over, sweating profusely, and threw himself in Tang Xiaonan's arms behave in a spoiled manner.

"Look at your sweat, Mom will wipe it for you."

Tang Xiaonan took out a clean handkerchief and wiped the sweat on Xiao Nan's face, as well as the sweat on his back, so as not to catch a cold when the wind blows.

Wang Hai was still talking at the table, and his wife was very jealous, "How old is Tang Xiaonan, he looks only in his twenties, how can he have such an old son?"

"Everyone is in their thirties. Rich people are willing to spend money on maintenance. If you eat ginseng and bird's nest every day, you can be so young." Wang Chunhua said.

Wang Hai's wife's expression changed slightly, she was actually a few years older than her, she was only 30 years old, but she looked like she was a dozen years older than Tang Xiaonan.

It's good to be rich. When will she be rich?

The banquet was over, and the dishes were very rich. Wang Hai and the others devoured them like they were released from a starvation prison. After Wang Hai was full, he wiped his mouth, took an elbow and a lamb chop in a plastic bag, and quietly went to the back mountain.

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